Pulling out his cell phone, he had no choice but to call Forge. His prez would be pissed but who gave a fuck, really? Sable’s life was in the balance. Whenever he didn’t trust his gut, bad things happened.

He pressed his cell phone to his ear, hoping Forge would answer or at least send him a text that would calm him the fuck down.

What if she’s fucking Hank?

What if she’s going to that next level for the club?

Will I even want her?

He cut off that line of thought. It didn’t matter. He trusted Sable. He was just pissed at how often he had to listen to the boys bad-mouth her. In the past twenty-four hours, even Forge had to put a ban on them all talking about her.

Some of the guys were talking about how her pussy was rancid and anyone who stuck their dick inside her would have to deal with the consequences of having it drop off. All the bullshit men talked about.

“Hello,” Beth said. Her voice sounded like she’d just been asleep.

“Hey, is Forge there?”

“Uh-huh, Forge, it’s for you.”

He heard rustling. “This better be good.”

“Sable’s not home.”


“You heard me. Sable’s not home. You and I both know a party isn’t supposed to last this long. I don’t like it. I’m worried.”

More rustling came over the line. “I’ve got to take this, babe. I’ll be back in a minute.”

Clearly, Forge had dropped the phone as he walked. This just pissed him off even more.

“Are you telling me you disregarded a direct order I gave you?”

“Cut the crap, Forge. You and I both know this is where I’ll be. I imagine since finding out the truth about Sable, you welcome me breaking the fucking law.”

“I’m not happy about it. What do you mean she’s not home?”

“Exactly what I’m saying. She told you where she’d be and she’s not back yet.”

Forge groaned. “It’s a little after two. So the party ran on. Shit happens.”

“I don’t think it did. Something’s not right. Come on, you and I both know this Grass guy is a piece of shit.” Dog ran fingers through his hair as he started to panic. “We’ve got to pull her out of this. It’s the only way she’s going to be safe. You’ve got to call this whole thing off.”

“Now, you listen to me. She knows how badly we need this and I’m not just going to pull her out. I get that you’re pissed off. I would be too if this was Beth. You’ve got to wait. There is no way Grass would do anything to Sable. She would have been seen at the party.”

“She’s club pussy, Forge. That’s how he’d see her. For all we know, Hank’s in on whatever shit Grass is trying to pull.”

“We’re not going to blow her cover. Not yet,” Forge said.

“When? When she turns up in a body bag?”

“Stop it. Just stop it.”

Dog paused as he heard the door open. “I think she’s here,” he said, dropping to the bed. What he hadn’t anticipated was her laptop being precariously balanced as it dropped to the floor.

“What the fuck did you just do?” Forge asked.

“Someone’s in your house,” Hank said. His voice carried as movement appeared in the stairs.