“I don’t think you should go,” Honey said.

“Don’t worry about it.” She dried her hands on a towel, walking through the club. Outside, a white van had reversed up. It looked like a delivery van. The club was constantly getting packages. If Forge left Beth alone for five minutes with the internet, that woman could spend for hours.

The man held a clipboard and she quickly signed it, not even looking at what Beth could have possible purchased.

“It’s around the side.”

Honey came out of the clubhouse and Sable turned to look at her.

“Sable, run!” Honey screamed.

It was too late.

Sable was pulled inside the van. Even as she tried to get away, someone punched her jaw, sending her crashing to the floor.

This wasn’t a delivery.

Stars danced across her vision and sickness flooded her body.

“You think you could get away from me?” Hank said. “Not a chance. I can wait. I’m a patient guy.”

“And you better be even more fucking patient.” She heard Grass speak from somewhere.

Hank grabbed her hands, pressing them either side of her head. She cried out, fighting against him.

“Please, let me go.” She cried out as he slapped her, hard.

She knew he had a mean streak. She’d watched him on the job so many times and knew firsthand that he was a monster.

Only now, she was the intended victim. When he wanted something from her, he’d been the perfect gentleman.

“Not a chance. You think you can tease me with that dirty pussy? I can’t believe I fucking waited, but that’s okay. You want to play us, well, we’re going to play you. I’m going to know every single thing about you, and I’m going to make sure that asshole wants nothing to do with you by the time I’m through.”

“You’re making a big mistake,” she said.

Hank laughed. Only this man didn’t look like he was capable of talking. He was possessed with the need for vengeance.

“Hank, please. Take me back and they won’t hurt you.”

She gasped as he suddenly pressed the point of a blade against her face. Fear clawed up her spine, threatening to spill over.

The tears that filled her eyes finally leaked out. Sickness rushed over her.

“I wonder if he would still want you if you’re all messed up. If you didn’t look pretty but were actually so fucking ugly you made him vomit just looking at you.”

“Hank, please.”

“Hank, please.” He mimicked her voice, his face twisting as he spoke. “You thought you could take from me. That I didn’t see what was happening. I should have known.” He made absolutely no sense. She’d played him. He’d thought he won, but she’d been the perfect actress. Not once had he seen through her act. It was news to her because she truly thought several times she’d messed up. Points for her.

“I’m going to show you that no one tries to mess with me and gets away with it. One day, Grass will be back on top and all that evidence your disgusting club thought they had will disappear. We’ll own the town. We’ll own them, and as for you, you’ll be nothing but a fucking memory.”

The blade pressed again.

She could be silent, or she could fight.

The thought of death scared her. Hank could stab her right here and she’d bleed out.

She didn’t want to go down without fighting. The club was her family. She’d fight for them.