'Assassins wear that,' said Colon blankly.

'So do lots of other people,' said Ridcully. 'Black's black.'

'You're right,' said Vimes. 'Taking any action on the basis of this would be premature. You know, it'd probably get me fired.'

He waved the cloth in front of Lord Vetinari.

'Assassins everywhere,' he said, 'on guard. Seems they didn't notice anything, eh? You gave them the bloody gonne because you thought they were the best to guard it! You never thought of giving it to the guards!'

'Aren't we going to give chase, Corporal Carrot?' said Pyjama.

'Chase who? Chase where?' said Vimes. 'He hit old Fred on the head and did a runner. He could trot around a corner, chuck the gonne over a wall, and who'd know? We don't know who we're looking for!'

'I do,' said Carrot.

He stood up, holding his shoulder.

'It's easy to run,' he said. 'We've done a lot of running. But that's not how you hunt. You hunt by sitting still in the right place. Captain, I want the sergeant to go out there and tell people we've got the killer.'


'His name is Edward d'Eath. Say we've got him in custody. Say he was caught and badly injured, but he's alive.'

'But we haven't—'

'He's an Assassin.'

'We haven't—'

'Yes, captain. I don't like telling lies. But it might be worth it. Anyway, it's not your problem, sir.'

'It isn't? Why not?'

'You're retiring in less than an hour.'

'I'm still captain right now, corporal. So you have to tell me what's going on. That's how things work.'

'We haven't got time, sir. Do it, Sergeant Colon.'

'Carrot, I still run the Watch! I'm the one supposed to give the orders.'

Carrot hung his head.

'Sorry, captain.'

'Right. So long as that's understood. Sergeant Colon?'


'Put out the news that we've arrested Edward d'Eath. Whoever he is.'


'And your next move, Mr Carrot?' said Vimes.

Carrot looked at the assembled wizards. -

'Excuse me, sir?'