He helped her into her seat and then walked out of the room.

She watched as he shut the door, and seconds later, he locked it.

This time, hearing the sound didn’t fill her with a rage like it normally did. Maybe she really was safer on this side of the door. Ashley knew there was a bounty on her head, not to mention she was apparently a rare commodity to men.

Picking up the book, she stared at the cover. It looked like an old-fashioned historical romance. Running her fingers across the picture, she studied the man and woman in some elaborate pose. She giggled.

Would it really be so bad to give herself to Draven? To let him take her?

Her lips still tingled from the kiss, but he hadn’t grabbed her, or thrown her to the bed and fucked her as any other man would try to do.

All Draven had done was explore her mouth. He’d been more than thorough. That kiss had been … everything.

Putting her fingers to her lips, she closed her eyes, thinking about how sweet, how beautiful that kiss had been.

It was her first real kiss. And she couldn’t imagine any other man giving her a better experience.

When she’d been captured by the government, the doctors and nurses had all treated her like an object. Not a woman, not a person. Just a fertile thing to be used and exploited.

The ink sickened her.

She’d expected to feel that way about Draven’s touch, but now, she wondered exactly how it would feel.

Chapter Four

There’d been talk.

No one dared say anything to his face, or make a move against him, but he knew. Draven always knew. If he wasn’t at least one step ahead of everyone else, he wouldn’t be where he was now. Weak men didn’t survive in the new world.

A rogue group within his walls planned to make a play for Ashley. He’d heard the whispers, the rumors, and felt the tension. They’d sell her to the floundering government for the promised bounty. Maybe even fill her with their seed before handing her over.

The shed where they kept preserves had a stash of weapons being concealed in the back under heavy black tarps. They were planning something soon. He feigned being oblivious, but he’d be ready for them.

Over the past several weeks, he’d allowed Ashley more freedom around the complex. Daily walks, visits with Luanna in the gardens, and private time in the library. He always ensured he was close by, keeping a careful eye on her and everyone nearby. Now he had to rethink her liberties. Until he found out exactly who he could trust, she wasn’t safe.

After all he’d done for the men and women under his care, if pissed him off that they’d turn on him for the promise of wealth. Greed, it seemed, was stronger than loyalty for some. When he discovered who’d been plotting against him, Draven would make an example, one that would never be forgotten. He’d make his message ruthlessly clear: mess with his woman, and die a slow, painful death. There could be no exceptions.

“Where’s Ashley?”

The annoying friend ambushed him just inside the kitchen doors. He exhaled.

“She’s in my room.” He moved around her, preparing a tray of food to bring with him. Fresh grapes, slices of fresh cheese, crackers, and cherry pie.

“But it’s two o’clock. She always spends time with me now,” said Luanna.

He ground his teeth together. The only reason he tolerated this woman was for Ashley’s sake. She grated on his nerves. If it were up to him, he’d have sent her packing weeks ago. “Not today.”

She kept following him, trailing along like a bratty child. “Why not?”

“That’s my concern. When things are safe, she’ll be free to resume your daily visits.”


He’d said too much already. There was nothing to explain, and his information was sensitive. Draven wasn’t sure who he could trust, but he hoped the traitors weren’t any of his close men. He ignored her, filling his tray with things he knew Ashley loved. Her happiness did something to him, chipping away at all the hardened bitterness that had built up over the years.

“Did someone try to hurt her? Is she okay?”