“But what if it does and the doctors got it all wrong? I’m not fertile. Would you still want me?” She pulled away from him, holding her hands up as if to ward him off.

Draven stared at her, a little shocked. “You think I only want you because … you’re fertile?”

“It’s the truth.”

Draven rubbed at his eyes. “I did when you first arrived here, Ashley. But not anymore and not for a long time. If anything, I’ve been worried that I won’t be able to get you pregnant.”

He saw tears in her eyes and wondered if she was struggling with her hormones already. He wasn’t used to having to deal with hormonal women. He ran his fingers through his hair and released a breath.

“I just … I don’t want to disappoint you.”

He put down the test, cupping her face. “There’s no way on this earth you could ever disappoint me. Fuck, when you first arrived here, I wanted you because you were fertile, but that changed. You changed me. I don’t just want you because of your body. I want so much more, and I know only you can give it to me.”

“What do you want?” she asked.

“All of you. Every single part of you, and I don’t want you to hold back from me. Not ever.” He couldn’t resist taking possession of her lips, and as he slammed his down on hers, he felt her relent to him. All he wanted to do was show her how he felt. Draven was a soldier, a warrior, and he wasn’t good with flowery words or expressing himself. There was no doubt in his mind that he loved her and would always love her. Breaking off from the kiss, he stroked her cheek, watching as she licked her lips. “Ashley, I love you. I fell in love with you against all the odds. Not because you’re going to have my baby, but because after all you’d gone through, it didn’t stop you from fighting nor did you lose your sweetness. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman and in my life. I can’t give you up. I won’t. I want this to be a safe haven for you and for our children. I will fight until my last dying breath to make you happy. To protect you. You own my heart, all of it. This is all yours.”

The tears in her eyes started to fall. “You mean it?”

“How can you doubt it? I’m right here, with you. I’ll always be here. I’m the kind of guy who makes everyone pull their weight around here, but with you, I let you take a break.”

She chuckled.

“Do you believe me?”

“Yes. I mean, I should know. I’m sorry. I’m just feeling all over the place. Luanna told me I planted some of the seeding potatoes wrong, and I burst into tears. I’m not usually this emotional.” He watched her take a breath. “I think we both know what it means though, don’t we? For me to be this emotional.”

“I’m ready to find out,” he said. “Together.” Locking their fingers together, with his free hand, he grabbed the test again.

“Let’s do this.”



The test confirmed it, and Ashley stared at the stick even after six hours of originally peeing on the test. The doctors hadn’t been wrong about her. This was unprecedented. A child would be born in their crazy new world.

She sat in the library, legs crossed, staring at the test, feeling a little sick, consumed with worry, and with a real craving for chocolate mint ice cream. She could dream.

Biting her lip, she tried to think of everything and anything to keep her mind out of panic mode.

This wasn’t the end of the world. Women had been having babies since the beginning of time. Pioneers had much less than they did now, and they did fine, too.

Draven was excited about it. He announced it for all to hear, and throughout dinner, she had people hugging her, touching her stomach, congratulating her.

“I thought I’d find you here,” Luanna said. “I know you can’t have wine or anything, but I got you some soda to celebrate.”

Ashley smiled. “I wish I could have had the wine.”

Luanna placed a hand on her wrist. “You’re still looking at that thing?”

“I’m waiting to see if it will change back.” She put the test down on the coffee table, beside Luanna.

“Come on, talk to me. What’s going on?” Luanna asked. “This isn’t like you. I can see you’re stressing out, and it’s not good for you or the baby.”

She rolled her eyes; she couldn’t help it.

“You’re worried?” Luanna asked.