She nodded. “The weapons lockers are the most secure. They’re fortified. We should bring the old and young there.”

“Agreed,” he said. She rushed off, keeping quiet as she passed other people. Luanna had become an asset. When she first arrived with Ashley, he’d wanted her gone. Now Draven couldn’t imagine life without her underfoot. Luke would agree, considering they’d been dating for months.

So much hope had been seeded since Ashley came into his life. Morale was at an all-time high, and their independence had never been stronger thanks to their hard work and planning.

Now everything could be in jeopardy.

He found Ashley in the gardens. She was sewing something. The last thing he wanted to do was make her afraid or insecure. Every fiber of his being wanted to keep her happy and safe.

“What’re you making?” he asked.

She looked up at him, the sunlight making her squint. “We don’t have any baby clothes, so I’m making some myself. It’s not too hard.”

“That’s very industrious.”

Ashley raised an eyebrow. “Industrious?”

Draven shrugged, squatting down to her level. “Where’s the baby?”


Their daughter just turned three months old. Clara was perfectly healthy, and they had no reason to believe she’d be infertile. Humanity would survive. They’d survive.

“Before you came all I worried about was staying alive. Death terrified me because once I was gone, that would be it. You changed all that, gave me something bigger to live for.”

She smiled, her blue eyes bright in the sunlight.

“Thank you for giving me a beautiful daughter,” he said. “For showing me what real love is—”

“Something’s wrong, Draven. What is it?”

“It’s all the truth.”

She set down her sewing, twisting to face him. “I know you better than this. You’re worried about something.”

Was he that easy to read? All he knew was he couldn’t lie to her.

“It’s probably nothing. Luke isn’t even worried.”


“There’s a group of men heading our way. Luanna’s already rounding up the vulnerable as a precaution.”

“Just men?”

He nodded.

“I doubt they’re looking for sanctuary then. And you’re worried, which means this could end badly.”

“I won’t let them hurt you or Clara. No way in hell will anyone get their hands on either of you.”

“I’m only worried about our baby.” She stood up and paced. “I’m not as helpless as you think, Draven. I’d die to protect her.”

“You’re the best mother, baby.” He wrapped his arms around her, holding her still. Draven kissed her forehead. “You make me so proud every day?—”

“Where’s the safest place?” she interrupted.

He shrugged. “The weapons lockers are fortified. That’s where Luanna’s taking the old and young.”