“Yes, Boss.”

“And don’t worry about Ashley. When I take from her, she’ll be more than willing. I can guarantee you that much,” said Draven. “Make sure no one goes near her but me. I want her untouched.”

Benjamin nodded, then joined the others.

Draven retired to his bedroom on the upper level, the largest master suite in the mansion. It overlooked the front courtyards and had its own grand bathroom done in the finest marbles. Back when he’d been serving in the military, he’d never had much in the way of material possessions. He traveled a lot, lived in different places, never really settling down.

This place, this kingdom, was growing on him. He savored the power, but he wasn’t foolish enough to abuse it. This place was going to be different, and he’d fight to keep it that way. No corruption, no rapes, no murder. Whoever broke the rules, paid the ultimate price. It was just the way it had to be.

He’d seen what desperation, fear, hunger, and the thirst for power could do to a man—most men—since the virus was released. Draven could play their ruthless game. He wasn’t afraid of what roamed outside his walls. In fact, he dared anyone to try to take his land. He’d developed a reputation for a reason. Any man who fucked with him would be made an example of.

Draven lay down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. Yes, he craved Ashley in the most carnal ways, but it was more than the desire to fuck her. He wanted a partner, a queen. And the little fertile was the key to his future, their future. He could see it now, her stomach round with his child, his legacy.

A reason to live.

His protective instincts soared. No man would go near his prize. He sat up in the bed, anxiety creeping in. He didn’t feel safe with such a treasure as Ashley out of his sight. Even his most loyal man could be tempted to steal a marked fertile away for the bounty promised by the government. Or to fill her with their own seed.

He was about to rush downstairs, when someone knocked on his door.


The door opened, and Luke had his hand firmly around Ashley’s upper arm. He gave her a shove into the room as she protested being restrained, brushing off her jacket once away from him. Her little scowl reminded him of an angry kitten.

“You wanted this one?” asked Luke.

Ashley wore new clothes, a slightly fitted blouse and long, flowing skirt. Her face was clear of grime, a cute spattering of freckles on her cheeks. That beautiful blonde hair was brushed smooth, falling around her like a shawl.

“She’s a fertile. Why would I want the other one?”

He motioned for Luke to leave them alone. The other man closed the heavy wooden door behind him. Ashley turned

and stared at the closed door. She stayed frozen in place, refusing to face him.

“Have you eaten?”

She tentatively turned around, as if being forced to face a monster. Maybe she saw all men in a negative light. He’d have to change that with time.

“Cat got your tongue?”

She nodded. “I’ve eaten.” Her voice was a soft, little whisper, pure sweetness and femininity. His claim on her grew tenfold. He noticed she kept rubbing her wrist, trying to conceal her mark with the other hand.

He got up and paced, his hands clasped behind his back. “How long have you been out there on the run?”

She shrugged. “I can’t really remember. The days seem to blend into one another.”

“Survival will do that to a person,” he said. “That’s over now. You’re safe here. I’ll protect you.”

Ashley looked him in the eyes. “Why?”

He smirked. “I can’t be a nice guy?”

“There’s no such thing. Not anymore.”

Draven tried to imagine the horrors she’d faced before showing up at his gates. He didn’t even want to think of another man’s hands on her, hurting her, taking when she didn’t give freely. The world had hardened her, like so many others, and it would be a challenge to prove he wasn’t a complete asshole.

“You’ve been through a lot. Tell me, Ashley, have you been violated by men while you were out there?”

She tensed, her body visibly stiffening. She shook her head.