Ry scrunches her nose in disgust. “Eww, Dad, I don’t drink.” Her admission lightens my heart. Alcohol has been a thorn in my side. My younger years have been filled with people who were addicted, not only to drink, but to drugs as well. It’s not something I want in my house, and in my life.

Even though we run weapons at Fallen Saints, I’m no longer part of the drug runs. I told Jackal I’ll help when needed, but I know coke brings violence because there are a few clubs who would love to encroach on the dealing. I want Rylee with me, and I can’t put her in danger. Thankfully, he understood, agreed, and he’s given me leniency about it.

“Stay with me?” I ask her, holding my breath as she chews on the doughy confection, the cream cheese sticking to her upper lip, and she swipes at it with her tongue which doesn’t help my erection.

“Always.” When she finally responds, my heart leaps into my throat, beating wildly to a rhythm I haven’t felt in years.

We settle into easy conversation, but I know the moment we walk into the house, the only thing I’m going to want to do is rip every piece of clothing off and devour my sweet princess.

Chapter 5


The ride to my childhood home is silent between us, but there’s an underlying tension that hangs in the air. Every now and then, Dad’s hand finds mine in my lap and he offers it a squeeze of reassurance.

I want to talk to him, but I’m nervous, so all I can do is cast glances his way every now and then. I don’t even move to turn on the stereo which is something I would’ve done when I was younger.

We’re twenty minutes into the hour-long drive into Arizona when Dad finally says something. “I think you’ll like what I did to the back yard,” he tells me, a smile dancing on his lips.

“Oh yeah?” I turn toward him, my gaze drinking him in. Every part of him is older, more mature, and it makes him even more handsome and rugged.

“Yeah, there’s a hammock on the porch, and I had a pool put in.” He sounds so proud. I can’t help but grin.

“A pool? I begged for years and you said it was a waste of money,” I squeak excitedly, remembering how many times I asked.

“I know. I think not having you there made me feel empty. The house wasn’t the same. I needed to fill the void and I guess I thought that one day maybe you’d come home.”

“Well, I am coming home,” I tell him. Placing my hand on his thigh, I allow my fingers to hold onto him, just to have a connection with the man who’s held my heart in his hands since I knew what love was.

I wish how I felt wasn’t seen as wrong. And I know he sent me to live with mom because of it. But now that I know it wasn’t just a teenage infatuation for me, or just a rando

m obsession with him, I can’t help but allow my feelings to show.

Dad pulls into the driveway, killing the engine, he turns toward me and grabs my hand. He brings it to his lips, placing a soft kiss on my knuckles.

“Ready to go inside?”

Nodding, I grin stupidly and tell him the truth. “I’ve been ready for years.” I’m sure he notices the inflection in my voice. He most certainly knows that I’m not only talking about living with him, but so much more.

With a nod, he releases me and exits the car. I follow, pushing open my door and we make our way to the front door. Once he unlocks it, he steps aside, allowing me to enter first and the moment the click of the lock sounds, I shiver with anticipation of what’s to come.

The living room is still the same. I take it in, the photos of me and him, the large fireplace in the left corner, and the two comfy sofas that face each other still look like they did when I was a kid. The armchair where Dad used to sit and read to me makes me smile. And when I reach the coffee table, I stop, turn toward him.

Lines blur as he moves closer. A hunter coming toward me, a man in leather. His hair is longer than I remember. There’s a small smile he gifts me, it’s special, only for me. It’s the same one he gave me when I was growing up.

“This is why I sent you away,” he saunters closer, his body looming over mine. It’s as if he’s trying to burn me alive with a mere look. “Because this—” he gestures between us, “—is wrong.”

“Is it? Do you feel guilt for wanting me like you want every other club whore you fuck?” I bite out. Anger taking over, desire swirling with the rage that I feel. The two most volatile emotions taking over me.

“Ry, this isn’t a game. If people—”

“Like you said, nobody knows about me. You hid me away like an errant child. I was nothing to you because all you cared about was that goddamned club.”

In seconds, Dad closes the distance between us, his hands gripping my shoulders. Even though he’s so much older, he’s still strong, and when he’s angry, it’s as if the Hulk has taken over and I’m met with a stranger.

“Do you want to taunt me, Ry? I love you. I’ve loved you all your life.”

“Then why did you send me away when all I wanted was you.” My words shock him, at least, I think they do because his body turns rigid in front of me.