Chapter 3

“I never knew you had a brother,” Alex said to Knox as he stared at me incredulously. My brother rolled his eyes and blew out his breath as he dropped down into the ridiculously oversized bean bag chair in their dressing room as he glanced at his bass player.

“Do you have a brother?” Knox asked him thoughtfully.

“Nah, I have a sister, though. Why?” he replied curiously.

“Imagine that—you have a family I never heard about.”

The way he said it was meant to sting Alex but I think it hit me harder than it did him. I get that our family life wasn’t the happiest and I would understand why he never talked about Mom and Dad, but that fickle little bitch hope made me think that he might have mentioned me once or twice.

Mick entered the room with the fattest blunt I had ever seen in my life. He lit it, took a hit, then held it out to Knox who glanced at me for a moment, then shook his head.

“You can if you want to,” I told him, shifting uncomfortably on my feet. “You can just pretend I’m not here, man. Be yourself.”

He let out an amused laugh as he leaned back on the chair and turned his face toward the ceiling.

“How long do you think those kids will stand out there tonight?” he asked no one in particular.

“This crowd was fucking ruthless,” Mick replied excitedly. “I don’t know if you saw that crazy fight that broke out on the side near the stairs, but I don’t think they’re going away any time soon. Tonight was pure dedication.”

“How long would you stand out there?”

The room fell silent and I suddenly became aware of all eyes being set on me. I glanced down at Knox who was waiting patiently with a smile and an arched eyebrow.

“What?” I asked.

He chuckled as he sat up, resting his arms across his knees. “How long would you stand out there? To meet your favorite band or whatever.”

“Oh. Um. You’re not my favorite band, you’re my brother,” I replied clumsily. A round of laughter exploded in the room but when I looked down at my feet and scuffed the tip of my shoe against the dirty floor, Knox got to his feet and gave me a nudge.

“Likewise,” he teased with a wink.

I forced a smile onto my face for his sake, and he shook his head, letting out his breath in a long winded sigh.

“Alright, let’s just go out there and take some pictures. I’m getting hungry and we can probably find somewhere to grab a bite before we skate out of here, right?”

“Come on, kid! Let’s make you a rock star for the night!” Roman yelled as he put his hands on my shoulders and guided me out of the room.

* * *

I sat on the small railing outside of the tour bus while my brother and his band mates smiled and posed for pictures. I smiled as they made small talk with their fans, making damn sure that everyone that was still outside waiting for them got a picture and at the very least, a small conversation.

I was happy to sit in the background, a nobody to everyone there, dangling my long legs over the side of the railing and glancing up at the stars. The night was cool, but not cold enough where I wanted to go to my car and get my jacket. The sky was dark, but not enough to blot out of the stars that shined down on me with their little flickers of hope.

But I sat quietly, faded into the background like a good little rock fan, instead of the brother of the lead singer of Halos Down, and waited for him to see me again.

And when it was finally time--when the last rabid fan of the greatest rock band on the circuit dispersed, he noticed me again.

“Let’s get some g

rub, huh?” he said as he held out a hand and helped me down from the railing. As he put an arm around my shoulders again, I smiled slightly. I may not have been a favorite memory of his, but he still treated me like he cared about me and that was all I could have honestly hoped for.

Chapter 4

We were seated in a booth in the corner furthest away from the door. Knox asked for it specifically, and when we sat down, he explained that sometimes fans would follow them on foot or in cars, and it was easier to hide from them if they couldn’t see him.

“Besides, we can’t catch up properly if I’m signing autographs, right?” he asked with a wide grin as he shrugged his jacket off.