“I need you to give me a minute please,” he says holding up a finger. “Go back to your room and I’ll come get you in a bit.”

Just like Momma, I think with a heavy sigh as I lower my head and retreat as I’m told to do.

* * *

Uncle Huck lied.

He didn’t come get me at all that day. In fact, he spent the next few days taking care to put distance between us. I would only really see him when I caught glimpses of him outside the window as he worked on the farm.

It’s on the third night of the next week that I decide I’ve had enough of the cold shoulder. I watched him go into the barn almost three hours ago and he hasn’t come out yet. The sun has long since gone down and I’m starting to get sick of the lonely feeling.

If I wanted to feel like a burden, I could have fought Momma tooth and nail to stay home.

I slip my feet into my slippers and decide to go and try to talk to him. I don’t know what it is about Aunt Brianna being gone that makes him so angry, but I don’t think it’s fair that he’s still taking it out on me for asking.

The night air is cool out in the country and I wrap my arms around myself as I glance up at the night sky. It’s really beautiful out here—there’s not a cloud in sight and the dark sky looks like its being lit up by the wishes of a thousand stars.

I smile slightly as I tear my eyes away from paradise above and turn my attention back to the barn that’s looming closer and closer.

Once I get just outside the door, I hesitate for a moment. If Uncle Huck is still mad at me, then maybe this isn’t the best idea. He’s not exactly reasonable from what I can tell and I don’t know if he’ll hurt me to get his point across that he wants to be left alone, but I doubt it. He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy that could hurt anyone—not even a fly.

“Huck?” I call out, my voice cracking as I step nervously into the barn. “You in here?”

“Yeah,” comes the curt reply.

“Can I come in?” I ask timidly.

“You already are from the sound of it.”

I bite back a sigh and walk the rest of the way into the barn. I didn’t realize how big the damn thing was from outside, and I’m not sure where he’s hiding in here.

“Where are you?” I ask curiously.

“Turn around, Maddi.”

I jump at the sound of his voice suddenly being so close then let out a sigh when I see him leaning against the door.

“How’d you do that?” I inquire suspiciously.

“I was right over there when you came in,” he says nodding at an empty horse stall near the door.


I reach up and push my hair behind my ears before I place my hands on my hips and look him directly in the eyes. When he chuckles and glances away, I can’t help but wonder if he knows that I got this from Momma.

“Listen, Huck; I honestly didn’t mean to make you so mad asking about Aunt Brianna. I just thought you might want to talk about it ‘cause talking about things sometimes helps someone feel better.”

“You are your mother’s daughter,” he replies shaking his head and running a hand back through his wild hair. “Nothing I can tell you about that will make me feel better, understand? So I’d really appreciate it if you would just let it go.”

My shoulders slump and I nod dejectedly. I was just trying to help, but I guess there are somethings I’ll never be good at. I’ve never been able to make anyone feel better about anything no matter how hard I’ve tried and I wonder sometimes if maybe everyone would be better off without me.

With that thought, I glance up at the high beams above me and blink back tears. It could be so easy; I’m sure there’s a rope around here somewhere and Uncle Huck has to go to sleep eventually.

Momma won’t miss me; Hell she wanted to get rid of me for the summer and Uncle Huck? He doesn’t seem to want me around either.

/> “Maddi,” he says softly. I reach a hand up and wipe the stray tears from my face, careful not to look at him and continue studying the beams above. “Maddi,” he says in a sterner tone. “Come here.”

I clear my throat and tear my eyes away from my escape, glance over at Uncle Huck and sigh. He looks defeated and almost sad; kinda like he can tell what I’m thinking and I do my best to force a smile onto my face.