Inferno World


Cavalieri Della Morte

Sorrow’s Queen (Book 13)


Against the Spread

Emery LeeAnn

Chapter 1


Hearing the woman crying in pain is what brought me to the alley in the first place. I just wanted to cut my losses when I left the building. I didn’t know who the guy beating her—and about to rape her—was. All I knew was this big man was a pussy for picking on women. Her torn dress was shredded in his meaty hands, her face was a bloody mess. She was begging him to stop while he laughed at her.


That’s really all you could call this guy, a meathead. He was one of those kind that had a big square head but no neck. He was saying all these lewd things about what he was going to do to her while he was holding a gun to her temple. He never even noticed me with my tire iron come up behind him and whack him over the head.

Unfortunately, the blow didn’t land like I had hoped. The hit connected, but he was still standing. Only now, he was pissed off at me. He swung his gun around, aiming it at my chest. Thankfully I had time to get the tire iron back up in the air. Those years of high school baseball paid off. This time when I swung, it knocked him out. Of course, not before he managed to get a shot off. It only grazed my arm, I was lucky. This guy was a maniac.

I looked at the woman to help her, but she had run off. Great, the cops were going to love this. Maybe my best choice here was just to leave. I had just lost my ass in a poker game. I was down ten grand, and it didn’t look like I was going to be lucky anytime soon. My arm was bleeding some, but not enough that I didn’t think I could take care of it.

If I called the cops with no female to corroborate my side of the story, he could tell them anything he wanted and I would look like the bad guy. No thanks. I’d had enough bad luck in this town playing against the spread. If I never played another game here, it would be too soon.

I think I would take my parents up on their offer to come home for a visit. They had been on me for a while now. It was just me and my younger sister, Stacia. So I knew my mom missed me stopping by when I lived closer, before I moved out. I would surprise them and stop in. That would also help me lay low here. No one here who knew me, knew anything about my family.

Chapter 2


I love having the house to myself. Not getting dressed is so much better than getting dressed. Mom and dad leaving for the weekend was an unexpected surprise. Since I turned eighteen, it has been like the floodgates had opened, and I’d officially been allowed to do everything I never had been before. Like, for instance, stay at home by myself for the weekend.

Alright, so I guess it helped I’m kind of a good girl. They knew I wouldn’t have friends over, mostly because my one best friend was in Paris right now with her parents. I didn’t have a boyfriend, and I definitely would never throw a party here. I’m as awkward as they come. Marsha, my best friend, swore boys stared at me, but I didn’t see what they were staring at.

Her and I had been best friends since kindergarten. We learned everything together, including the fine art of pleasuring ourselves. Once we learned how to give ourselves orgasms, it was game on. I couldn’t get enough. I couldn’t get enough information about it to quench my thirst for knowledge about ways to make myself feel good. The fact that the human body could—that my body could—feel that way, well it was fucking amazing really.

We found one website that taught how to masturbate with food. So my current obsession was using cold pieces of fruit on my pussy while I fingered myself. Then, after I would come, I could lick all the juices off of my fingers, mine and the fruit’s. It was quite an aphrodisiac.

I stood in the kitchen, humming to myself, cutting slices of oranges I had put in the fridge. Looking around, I smiled mischievously. I could get off in the kitchen. I was alone. Why not?

Stripping out of my tank and panties, I sat on one of our kitchen chairs, spreading my legs open. Placing a slice of the cool orange on my exposed pussy, I slid my finger through the middle of the fruit, plunged it inside my hole, holding the rind of the fruit against my clit. Fucking hell, it felt so good. Rocking back and forth on the chair, I could feel my first orgasm building up. Moaning as loud as I could, I let the sensation take me over.

Chapter 3


Pulling into the driveway, the house looked dark. No cars were visible, but they may be in the garage. I supposed they could be gone for the weekend. Even if they were, they wouldn’t mind if I stayed and waited.