"Fine, I'll choose then,” I respond, making sure to keep my voice light as I move over to the shelves.

I select a random comedy that I insert into the player and switch it on before taking a seat at the opposite end of the three-seater to where he’s sitting. I’ll give him space. I just hope it’ll be enough. Eventually he’ll recognize I’m not the bad guy here, and that I only want what’s best for him.

Chapter 5


The storm has continued to rage outside: buffeting the cabin, pelting it with hail and rain, and rattling some of the loose tiles on the roof. Overnight the high winds have died down somewhat, but the skies are still heavy with thick gray clouds tha

t continue to race by, and the rain hasn’t eased off.

It’s been four days since I woke up in the middle of nowhere, having been snatched from my bed by Emmett; a guy I’ve previously only met once and was warned to stay clear of by my mom. I’ve yet to ask him about that, but I don’t know how to broach the subject. I’m ashamed to admit I enjoy spending time with him, and we’ve already fallen into a routine of sorts. At first I would hide out in my room and read in an attempt to avoid him as much as possible. But he’s so likable it didn’t take long before I was lingering in the living room to spend time with him while he watched movies or reruns on TV. Gradually we’ve started interacting more and more and watching DVDs together.

I’ve caught Emmett watching me a few times, and even though I've tried to ignore it, I often feel his eyes on my back. I can tell there’s something playing on his mind…hidden thoughts lurk behind his brown eyes, and a small part of me wants to unbury them. I don’t know what I’d uncover, but I think I want to find out. I haven’t missed home as much as I expected, and despite my misgivings and distrust, I like Emmett...I like him a lot.

* * *

I wake up on the couch, and looking through the window, I can see it’s early morning and still dark out. I must've fallen asleep last night while watching a DVD with Emmett. The TV is on, and the same movie is playing in the background; it appears to have cycled around and started again because I remember seeing this part already. There’s a blanket covering me, and I smile, realizing Emmett must've thrown it over me to stop me getting cold. The fire has died down to glowing embers, but the room hasn’t lost any of its warmth.

As I start to sit up, I become aware of the heavy weight of an arm draped over me. How I didn’t immediately notice Emmett lying behind me, I've no idea. Although a tiny voice inside my head tells me that maybe I was trying to avoid acknowledging our closeness. I slowly roll over to face him being careful not to disturb his sleep.

Emmett’s deep, even breaths blow warmly on my face, and I take the opportunity to look at him more intently without risking the embarrassment of being caught staring. His dark blond hair teases the edges of his face in sleep-mussed disarray, his hard jaw is flecked with stubble, and up close I can see there are reddish-golden hairs lurking amongst the darker blond ones. His eyes are closed, hiding the brown irises that always seem to darken whenever they meet mine. Emmett is only a fraction taller than my 5’10, but he’s more muscular than me. I’ve always been on the slimmer side, even more so lately, although I have been eating better the past few days. I let out a heavy sigh and roll back over to slide out from his hold. I should go to bed. He can have the couch.

Emmett’s arm tightens around me from behind, and I find my back being pressed up fully against him. Something hard is digging into my ass, and I feel my face heat when I realize it’s his dick. My whole body is suddenly alert, and I’m hyper-aware of how much physical contact there is between Emmett and I right now. I’m ashamed to find my own dick stirring in response.

I’m unable to stay still. My blood is racing around my body, and my fingers itch to give myself some relief…I shift slightly, and my eyes widen when his heavy cock settles between my asscheeks. We’re both fully clothed, but I couldn’t feel more exposed even if I was stark naked. I shouldn’t do this here where he might wake up and catch me, but the risk of him seeing and hearing me getting off only makes my dick harder.

What’s wrong with me…I shouldn't be having these thoughts, let alone considering entertaining them. I throw a quick glance over my shoulder, and the sight of Emmett’s sleeping face makes me feel bolder. I slide my hand beneath the waistband of my boxers and squeeze my aching dick. I bite my tongue to prevent a moan escaping and carefully free myself from my underwear. My heart is thudding rapidly in my chest, and I start to move my hand, fisting the length of my hard shaft and swiping my thumb through the precum beading at the tip. I’m only covered by the blanket, but the threat of being caught makes me so fucking hot, and I can’t stop myself.

Soon I find my rhythm, and I’m steadily working toward my impending release when Emmett groans in his sleep and pulls me even closer…I nearly come right then and there. I’m unable to stop the whimper from passing my lips as pleasure starts to tingle at the base of my dick. I can feel the orgasm building; I’m so fucking close. My balls tighten and draw up toward my body, and I’m preparing to shoot my load when Emmett’s hand closes around my dick, and the rock hard cock pressed between my asscheeks is ground firmly against me. I let out a shout of surprise and come hard.

“Fuck!” I curse, shuddering as the cum spurts from the end of my dick, coating mine and Emmett’s hands while we continue to milk the rest of my orgasm from me.

“Mmm, were you thinking of me while you worked your thick cock, Kade?” Emmett growls behind me, his voice husky with sleep.

His warm breath on my neck sends fresh shivers through me as the aftershocks of the orgasm continue to wrack my body. I’m gasping for air, and my lungs don’t seem to want to work. I turn my head to face him just in time to see him bring his hand, glistening with my cum, to his lips. His tongue darts out, and he licks my release from his fingers. I swallow hard, and his eyes darken as he watches my throat move. Fucking hell, that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.

“You taste so damn good, Kade,” he says, and before the words can even register, his hand moves behind my head, and his mouth crashes down on mine in a kiss that stops my heart.

Chapter 6


His fucking lips are going to be my ruination. The taste of Kade on my tongue sets a fire in my blood, and I want to burn in the inferno of desire threatening to consume me. The sounds he was making are still reverberating through my brain, and the way he reacted to my touch when I gripped his thick cock has left me aching for my own release. It takes every ounce of my self-control not to roll Kade over onto his front, sink my cock into his body, and stake my claim. As it is, I’m struggling to find a reason not to do just that. I roll away with a groan of frustration, instead.

Kade twists around to face me, his lips are parted, glistening in the dim light. Slowly his eyes drop down to my groin. There’s no disguising my need…it’s clear enough to both of us in the way my cock is stretching out the material of my pants. Our eyes meet, and I let out a quiet gasp. If he touches me, there's absolutely no way I'll ever be able to walk away from him…I’m not certain I could leave him now anyway.

All of the reasons I should stop this are dissipating, and it’s becoming unclear as to why I’m fighting the inevitable. He doesn’t know the truth about me, though. He’s not ready to hear it, and I shouldn’t take advantage of that fact any more than I have already. I ought to tell him about me, but I can’t bring myself to remove the picture I’ve carefully painted. I don’t have it in me to tear down those walls because I want Kade…I want him so much it hurts.

“Don’t,” I rasp when Kade rolls over and reaches for the waistband of my pants.

“Why not?” he challenges, dipping his fingers beneath the elasticated material.

I halt him with a hand on his wrist and a hiss escapes me when his fingers brush against my skin, sending electric shocks of lust zipping through my veins.

“Not right now. I don’t know if I can control myself with you. I wouldn’t want to hurt you,” I admit, and I barely manage to stop the secrets from spilling off the tip of my tongue.

“What if I want you to?” Kade whispers, and I chuckle before rubbing a hand over my face.