“What the fuck?!” a familiar voice shouts, and jerking away from me, Kade ducks out from within my arms.

“M-Mom?” he stutters, and his whole face pales as he looks between me and Ellis.

“Get your filthy hands off him!” she snarls at me.

I slowly turn to face the poor excuse of a woman who gave birth to my son, and I glare at her for calling herself a mother when she doesn’t even put our son before her own desires, yet she dares to try and interfere now.

“How the fuck did you find this place, Ellis?” I ask without skipping a beat

“Preston brought me here a couple of times,” she sneers, “But that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you’ve dared to corrupt our son with your disgusting perversions!”

“Oh, so suddenly he’s our son? Funny how that didn’t matter when you and Preston ran off into the fucking sunset after ruining my life!” I hurl back at her while clenching the table behind me.

“You ruined your own life when you brought Preston into our relationship, so you could fulfill your sick and twisted fantasies about fucking your own brother, and now you expect to do the same to Kade!” she screams while rushing toward me with her arm raised ready to hit me.

Kade steps in front of me at the last second, and her hand connects with his cheek in a resounding slap, knocking him off balance.

“Kade! I'm so sorry,” she gasps and reaches out to him, but he backs away from her, shaking his head.

“No, Mom. Stop,” he tells her as his hand finds mine and squeezes it.

“You’re coming home with me, right now,” she orders, grabbing him by the hair and yanking him away from me.

“It’s not my home anymore, not since Dad died, and you stopped caring about me,” Kade grits out, grimacing in pain.

Reaching up, he pries her fingers loose with one hand and tightens his grip on me with the other, using me as an anchor to stop her pulling him away when she grabs his arm.

“Don’t say that,” she cries, “ You know I love you.”

“Do I?” he responds, “Because it feels like you give more of a shit about Shane and whatever you can use to drown your sorrows than you do me. You let him hit me, Mom.”

“Don’t you dare try and turn this around on me. I’m not the one engaging in disgusting acts with my own family,” she says, her lip curling as she turns her gaze back to me.

"Ellis, control yourself!" I bark, not faltering when she glares at me hatefully.

"You mean control myself like you did when you abducted Kade and did God knows what to him? I should go to the police," she shrieks.

"And tell them what exactly? You've no proof, but I'll be sure to tell them how underfed and hurt Kade was when I found him," I fire back at her.

She lets go of Kade and takes an unsteady step backward, shooting daggers at me with her eyes before narrowing them at Kade and hissing, “If you stay here with him, then you aren’t welcome home anymore. I don’t want your filth in my house.”

“Just go, Mom,” Kade pleads, and the pain in his voice stabs at my chest.

“You’ve ruined my boy!” she shouts, making a move to hit me again, but I catch her by the wrist before she connects with my face.

“That’s enough,” I tell her, and she steps back, nostrils flaring with unconcealed anger.

I release her when she starts to yank away from me, and she staggers backward.

“Last chance, Kade,” Ellis says, pursing her lips together as she narrows her eyes at him.

“I’m staying with Emmett,” he reaffirms, and with a final glare at the both of us, she turns her back on him one last time and walks out of our lives, slamming the door behind her.

Kade slumps in my arms and sobs wrack his frame while he clings on to me.

“Don’t leave me,” he begs brokenly.

“I promise I’m yours, and I’m not going anywhere,” I tell him.