In Plain Sight

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A. A. Davies


Copyright © 2019 Abigail Davies.

All rights reserved.

Published: Abigail Davies 2019

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Proofreading: Judy’s Proofreading

Cover Design: Pink Elephant Designs

Chapter 1

The blanket wrapped around me somehow made me feel safer as I stared at the TV and the latest horror movie I’d rented. I wasn’t the kind of person who did this often, but sometimes I felt the need to just be...scared. I wanted the rush of adrenaline and the spike in my pulse I would get when I was surrounded in the darkness and watching a serial killer chase a girl through the woods.

My fingers tingled from holding the ice-cream tub for so long, enthralled with what was happening on the screen, and just as the background music drummed faster and the serial killer got closer, my cell rang out. I jumped so high the ice-cream tub went flying into the air and all over my blanket.

“Dammit,” I whispered, my hand flying to my chest and covering my heart which was beating like crazy. I frantically searched for the remote then paused the movie and looked down at my cell. My brows lowered into a frown, but my lips pulled up into a smile. I was fully aware I probably looked crazy, but there was a reason.

My sister hadn’t called me for nearly a month now, and although we hadn’t grown up together in the literal sense, she was still my big sister. Her mom and my mom hadn’t gotten along at all, and there was no need for them to. They were the complete opposite. Her mom was scrappy and stuck up for everything she believed in, my mother was meek and a classy high-society lady. And yet, my dad had loved them both equally—that was what he said the day before he died of lung cancer anyway.

That had been the same year I started my senior year in high school, and Mom had moved us out of the area and into another state, the same state she’d grown up in. But my sister and I had managed to stay somewhat close.