“Mornin’,” a gruff voice said.

“Coffee,” I managed to groan out. It was too early to think about the man standing in my kitchen, and definitely too early to stop myself staring at his exposed chest. What kind of eighteen-year-old was ripped like that anyway? Did he take steroids to look like that? Or was it natural?

“It’s natural, baby,” Carter said, and I reared my head back. Did I just— “Say that out loud?” He leaned against the counter, a bowl of cereal balanced on one palm of his hand, and his spoon halfway to his mouth. “Yep, you did.”

“Ugh, it’s too early to even think about this conversation right now.” I shuffled over to the coffee machine my mother had bought me for my birthday and squinted my eyes at it. Maybe I should have gone back for my glasses after all. Several huffs and puffs later, and I still couldn’t make out the words.

“Need some help there?” Carter asked, only now he was much, much closer. His cologne drifted around me, wrapping me up in a cozy blanket, just like the one on the sofa

did. His front pressed against my back and I shivered at the contact. I was blaming my lack of coffee for not pulling away. That was the only reason I leaned slightly into him.

“I left my glasses on the bedside table,” I whispered, afraid to talk too loud with him so close by.

“What do you want?” he asked, his voice also lower. His hand cupped my exposed shoulder and then he trailed it down my arm and to my hand where he gripped it and held it up to the touchscreen of the machine.

“Flat white.” His long pointer finger stretched over mine, and together, we pressed several buttons. The grinding of the coffee rang out, and I said, “Thank you.”

He was silent for a beat, his hand still attached to mine, and then he whispered, “You’re welcome.” His hand lifted off mine, and I hated how I missed the feel of his skin against me. He leaned closer to me, his breath on the side of my neck causing goose bumps to break out. “Enjoy your date tonight, Skylar.”

I closed my eyes as he backed away, too scared to look at him, and stared at my coffee. As soon as it was done, I grabbed the cup and went right back to my bedroom where I’d be safe from any Carter mishaps, at least for today anyway.

* * *

The date with Guy had gone like all the others. We went out to eat, we chatted mostly about what side projects we were working on. The only difference this time was the amount of alcohol he’d consumed. It was normal for him to have a glass of wine or two, but as we exited the restaurant in town, he stumbled to the side.

“I don’t think you should drive,” I said, frowning at him as he held his hand up in a wave to the hostess.

“I think you’re right,” Guy slurred, his glasses drifting down to the edge of his nose. He wasn’t as put together as he usually was, and I wondered what had happened. He’d acted weird in school this week, and now this. It was on the tip of my tongue to ask him if everything was okay, but I somehow didn’t think it was a good idea while he was half drunk. “You drive.” He threw his keys at me and they landed right in the middle of my chest. I huffed out a breath at the impact, and rubbed the spot.

“I...I’ve never driven your car before.” I hated how I sounded—like a scared little girl—but, his car was so much bigger than mine.

“Come on, Skylar. Live a little, what’s the worst that could happen?” I could name all the bad things that could happen while in a moving vehicle, but now wasn’t the best time to do that.

He stumbled toward his car parked a couple of spaces down from the restaurant, and I stared at it. My cell burned a hole in my pocket, tempted to call Carter and have him come and pick me up. But...I couldn’t. There was a reason I’d accepted this date with Guy so quickly, because I needed to get my mind off Carter, not bring him into the fold.

So...I pulled up my big-girls panties and pressed the fob to unlock Guy’s black sleek car which was twice the size of mine. It took me a couple of minutes of controlled breathing for me to start his engine and pull out onto the road. I knew I was going even slower than I did in my own car, but it was the only way we’d make it safely back to my house.

“Come on, Skylar. Faster!” Guy slapped his hand on the dash, and I jumped in my seat, causing my hands to veer the car to the left. Luckily, the road was empty because we were only two blocks away from my street.

“Don’t shout at me while I’m driving,” I tried to grit out, but it came out shaky, and his answering laugh didn’t help any.

“God, you’re such a fool.”

I pulled into my street and saw my car sitting in the driveway. Carter had borrowed it to go out in tonight, but with it sitting there and the light shining from the window to my living room, I knew he was home. And the prospect of him being so close by had a breath leaving me in a whoosh.

“Did you hear what I just said?” Guy asked, his voice deeper than usual. He was still slurring his words, but not as badly as he had been when we left the restaurant.

“I...no, what did you say?” I pulled up outside my house and turned the engine off. The inside of the car was too stuffy, so I pushed the door open and slid out, breathing in the cool night air. The world was spinning a little, and I placed my hand on the hood of the car, feeling the warmth of the engine seeping into my palm.

“Jesus fuckin' Christ,” Guy growled out, and I glanced up, seeing him now only standing a couple of feet away from me. “He was right about you.”

“What?” I blinked several times. “Who was right?”

Guy laughed, his features changing in an instant as he pulled his glasses off his face and pushed his shoulders back. Gone were the effects of the alcohol he’d drunk, and in its place a sober man I didn’t recognize.

“He said she’d ask you to take him in. He knew exactly what moves you’d all make, but now…” Guy smirked and glanced down at his watch. “It won’t be long now.”

“What…” I cleared my throat and tried to swallow past the lump building in my throat. My gut told me the truth as I started to back away and toward the house.