A growl rumbles in his chest and he pulls back. “Grace, if you don’t get out of here now, you won’t make it to your first class.”

Still, he doesn’t let me go. His tongue traces my lips in the same way he does when he’s feasting on my nether lips. The thought has my arousal seeping into my underwear.

“I can always borrow Ashley’s notes...” Now I want to stay and spend hours in bed with him. I love how we get caught up in each other like this, how things go from zero to a hundred with just a kiss.

“No,” he murmurs and pulls away. “I refuse to be a bad influence. You should get to class.”

“Rowan,” I whine. “You can’t get me this hot and send me on my way.”

Chuckling, he steps back. “Waiting will make things more intense. You’re not working later, are you?”


“Then come straight here after your classes. I’ll be ready and waiting,” he drawls and gives me a little pat on my ass.

I stifle a groan. Now, I want him to pull my pants down and spank me. I’ve become addicted to his kinks.

Just as I tamp down my sexual frustration and step away from him to grab my bag, the doorbell rings.

Rowan frowns. “I’m not expecting anyone.”

“Maybe it’s your sister or your friend, Matt.” It would be nice to meet either of the people I’ve heard him speak so highly of. “I’ll just go through the front door.”

Hiking my bag over my shoulder and grabbing the rest of my things, I follow Rowan through the kitchen, the living room, and into the foyer. My gaze strays to his ass, which looks incredible in jeans. I’m still checking him out and smirking when he opens the door.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Rowan growls.

My eyes jump from his rear to the doorway. Standing there is a woman with the same shade of blonde hair as Rowan. Her smile doesn’t reach her blue eyes, which are also similar to his.

“Is that any way to greet your mother?” the woman asks.

I almost gasp out loud. It’s Rebecca Cavanaugh-Howard. Briefly, I entertain the thought of jumping on her to claw her eyes out. Rowan mentioned she and her husband were coming to California, but I didn’t think she knew where he lives.

I glanced at Rowan. His back is ramrod straight and his shoulders are almost touching his ears. There’s no way I’m leaving him.

I step forward to place a hand on his arm, bringing Rebecca’s attention to me. Her eyes gleam with curiosity as she takes me in, but I pay her no mind. I’m too busy being hurt by the way Rowan subtly pulls away from my touch.

“Grace, you should go.”


“Just go,” he snaps.

I jump, pulling my hand away from him. I’m so stunned by his reaction, I’m frozen for a moment. Finding my wits, I whisper, “Excuse me,” and brush past the source of Rowan’s agitation.

What’s gotten into him? It isn’t like I’m not privy to his issues with his mother. I glance back at him sadly. He doesn’t even look at me.

Fighting back tears, I march down the walkway, feeling as if every progress we’ve made has gone down the drain. Do I call him later? Should I even come back to his place?What should I do? He might retreat right back into his protective shell and tell me to get lost.

I practically feel him slipping away from me the more distance I put between us. Did I stoke the flames between us just to get burned?

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