Page 15 of Claiming Olivia II

Mitch came around the coffee table and set his glass down. He reached over for the controller and I gave it to him as he sat down and left the waiting room that the other players were in.

“That was a good group,” I protested. “They were super easy to beat!”

“I bet,” he replied with a laugh.

I sighed and watched as he went to the playback option to view the games I had played while he was gone.

“Forty four and five?” he asked in surprise. “This I have to watch!”

Feeling a little proud, I sat back against the cushions and tucked my legs underneath myself again. Mitch leaned back too and as the game started he quickly found my player before setting the controller down on the coffee table.

I put an arm around his shoulders as we watched, excited at the prospect that he was so proud of what I did while he was gone. After the match was over, Mitch reached up and took

the cigarette out of my mouth and placed it in the ashtray. I raised an eyebrow at him as he reached past me and drank some of my soda.

“What are you doing Mitchell?” I asked curiously.



“This,” he replied, slightly sitting up and kissing me.

I won’t lie; that soft, tender kiss took my breath away and when I felt his lips smiling against mine, I felt like that lost teenager being found all over again.

Mitch pulled back and winked at me before sitting up and taking drink from his glass. I reached for him and pulled him back toward me. He rested his head on my shoulder as I leaned down and kissed him. I desperately wanted that feeling again. I wanted to be found. I wanted to be loved. I wanted everything to be the way it was but most of all, I wanted Mitch to love me like he did so many years ago. I wanted him to realize that I had the option of leaving him and I wanted him to make me not want to take it. I wanted him to make me feel like Alejandro was a distant second not a possible first.

Mitch pushed me back onto the couch and untangled my legs from underneath me. I laughed as he pulled his shirt off and did a quick faux sexy dance over me. His refusal to take most things seriously was yet another trait that I favored.

“The window’s open,” I said, glancing out into the city street.

“So what?” he asked, pulling my shorts off and tossing them to the floor.

“So, maybe this isn’t something the entire neighborhood wants to see or hear?” I said meaningfully with a raised eyebrow.

With a loud over-exaggerated sigh, he got off of the couch and closed the windows. I pointed at the curtains and he shook his head and lowered them as well.

“Brace yourself, Livie. You’re about to get the best three minutes of your life,” Mitch joked as he came back to the couch.

I laughed and sat up. I pushed him onto his back and pulled his basketball shorts off. For the first time since the last time with Alejo, I actually felt comfortable with the sex thing. I knew I wasn’t going to be chained to a door and I knew I wasn’t going to be spanked or whipped or whatever.

But one question still lingered as I slid my hand into his boxers; would I enjoy it?

Mitch pulled me down to him and kissed me as I used my hands on his erection. He always told me that I was a “wizard” with my hands and he loved when I touched him. I admit that I enjoyed having that power over him. Having him vulnerable in my hands and loving every second of it was extremely liberating.

I watched his face as he looked at me, eyes burning with desire at my simple touch, and I carefully pulled his boxers off, allowing his erection to spring free of its restraint. I gripped his hard cock firmly with every intention of putting it in into my mouth (another favorite of his) when he reached for me and began to pull my panties off. I helped him shove them the rest of the way off and let them fall to the floor.

“You can suck my dick later if you want. Get on. Now,” he said in a voice husky with wanton desire.

I did as he asked; I straddled Mitch and I slid him deep inside of me. He gasped and closed his eyes as I started to move up and down gently on top of him, rotating my hips a bit with each lowering of my body further onto his. I wasn’t sure when the last time was that Mitch had had sex and to be honest, if it was while I was with Alejandro, I couldn’t be angry. No matter how badly I wanted to be, I just couldn’t. I could chalk it up to that lame ‘being on a break’ excuse and let it go.

“Faster, Liv,” he breathed through clenched teeth.

I leaned down to put my hands on his shoulders for support and he gripped my hips tightly, letting his strong fingers dig into my flesh. That was a sure fire sign that he wanted me to stop moving back and forth and start bouncing quickly on his dick, so I did.

For each time that I crashed down onto him, he would ram himself up causing me to moan. But I think it was when he held me just above him and moved himself up and down with such a fierceness that I completely forgot about everything else around us. Hell, he could have left the windows open and I probably wouldn’t have given two shits in this moment. He held me stationary a few inches above him and kept ramming up into me until my body started to tremble with my impending orgasm. I grabbed my own nipples and started to tug on them increasing the ever-growing ecstasy I was feeling.

But something happened that had never happened with Mitch before. He stopped thrusting into me for a moment and turned me over so that my face was buried in the throw pillow and he pushed into me from behind, filling me fuller than I thought possible. Mitch’s normal thing was: one position, beginning to end. Either you or I will cum and then we’re done.