Page 7 of Claiming Olivia II

Running around Spain with you, running away with you period, just seemed so romantic that I had to do it. I can honestly say now thinking about it, that part of me did love you. Not wholly, but enough to want to see what life could be like with you. You’re so kind and so funny and even though that ex-girlfriend mishap was way more than I should’ve been exposed too, I still found pieces of my heart wanting you.

And here I am rambling.

My point is this; Mitchell may not be a perfect man but he was once. He may not be the best fiancée anyone could ever hope for, but even when I feel at my most alone, I know that he loves me more than anyone ever has.

That’s what you’re up against and I thought it would only be fair to you to know it,” I said quietly.

Alejandro tilted his head to the side when I was done talking, “Did you say that parts of you loved me?”

I nibbled on my pastry and nodded.

“Still? Or is this in the past?”

“Still,” I replied honestly looking up into his dazzling hazel blue eyes.

“Then that’s all I need to know,” he replied with a smile. “Finish that up. We need to get real food before I pass out.”

I laughed and he smiled as he threw some money onto the table, got to his feet and held out his hand to me.

I took it firmly and let him lead me out of the Caffe back into the Piazza.


> We were staying at the Palazzo Sant'Angelo sul Canal Grande. It was absolutely stunning and he kept it a surprise until it was time to check in. He also told me that this is where we would be staying for the rest of our trip to Italy.

I had to admit that Alejandro was seriously putting his best foot forward trying to impress me, but since I didn’t know for sure what his intentions were, I couldn’t base everything off of this. No matter how much money he had, if he didn’t love me at the end of this, then it would be pointless to leave someone who did.

We stayed there until the sun went down, though nothing happened. I sat in the chair closest to the window and snapped pictures on my phone, sending them back to America, while he sat on the bed and watched television.

“Would you do something for me, Livie?” Alejo suddenly asked.

“Sure, what’s up?”

“Take this down to the front desk and wait until they give you what I’m asking for please,” he said scribbling something onto the notepad in the room.

“What is it?” I asked curiously as I slid my flat flip flops on and went over to him.

“Read it if you want to know,” he replied with a mischievous grin. I glanced down and rolled my eyes when I realized it was written in Italian.

“I’ll be back,” I said, leaning down and kissing him on his cheek.

I left the room with the note firmly in my hand and made my way to the elevator. I pressed the call button and stepped in when it opened. Leaning against the back I watched the numbers and let out my breath in an impatient huff. I hope this wasn’t something illegal or embarrassing that I’d be doing for him.

But I put on a big smile as soon as the elevator doors opened and walked dutifully toward the front desk, handing the young girl behind the counter the paper.

The girl took the note with a curious smile, read it, giggled, and disappeared into the back office. I raised an eyebrow and wondered exactly what the hell I had given her. Five minutes passed and she still hadn’t returned, so I went and sank down into one of the huge comfy chairs in the lobby.

Another ten minutes and my almost falling asleep on the chair passed by when the phone ringing at the front desk startled me. The girl reemerged from the back office to answer it, before waving me over. She handed me the note back and nodded at the elevator.

“I thought you were supposed to give me something?” I asked suspiciously.

With a small smile she slightly shook her head and walked back into the office again. I rolled my eyes, sighed heavily, and made my way back up to the room. Alejandro had the door cracked slightly, so I just pushed it open and went over to where he was still sitting on the bed, only dressed fancier than he was when I left, watching television.

“Here’s your stupid note. She didn’t give me shit and I almost fell asleep downstairs,” I said angrily.

“She gave me what I needed,” he replied vaguely as he flipped to another channel. “Get dressed Livie, I have a surprise for you.”

“What did she give you?” I asked stubbornly refusing to move.