Page 14 of Her Outlaw Daddy

He held her hand harder. “One more word, little girl,” he warned. “One more word and I’ll bare your backside in front of all of them.”

He regretted the words the second they left his mouth, as Cole never made idle threats. But he’d spoken too soon. He didn’t want to bare her in front of the other men, but now that he’d said it, hewouldfollow through, if only because he was a man of his word. Better to teach her he meant what he said than risk her losing the edge of fear she’d been taught in the short time they’d been together. But fortunately, the threat had the desired effect, and she fell into silent but furious step beside him.

“We’ll be back soon,” he muttered to Doc, who merely nodded and continued scraping the dishes clean. Cole felt the eyes of Monty and his crew on his back, but he continued dragging her along with him down to a secluded area, wooded but dimly lit with moonlight.

“You’re hurting my hand,” she protested, trying again to pull away.

“Darlin’, I’m gonna hurt more than your hand.”

“You brute!” she said in a furious whisper.

“At your service,” he replied with a dark chuckle. “And you’re a brat, so don’t we make a pair.”

“Letgo!”she said, trying again to pull away, and she even kicked her foot at him. They were now a good enough distance away from the rest of the crew, so he no longer had to endure her childish fits in silence. He spun her around and gave her two rapid swats over her clothed bottom, which made her stomp the ground, but he held fast. Dragging her to a tall white birch tree, he pushed her so that her back was up against it. Her eyes flashed at him, splotches of angry red on her cheeks as she glared.

His own anger rose as he narrowed his eyes at her. “Young lady, you’ve earned yourself a good lickin’. You’ll stand here until I call you to me, and if you move, I’ll finish our little talk tonight with a good round with my strap.” He paused and dropped his voice. “If you think I’m lyin’, darlin’, try me.”

Though she still glared at him, she stayed put as he drew a knife from his belt and cut a good-sized switch from the birch, thin and supple, long enough to leave a lasting impression when he took her over his knee. He remembered from his boyhood the schoolmaster’s fondness for the birch; the sting that would last for hours after a switching. It would do well. He quickly stripped and prepared the switch, lashing it through the air against his palm to test it. Satisfied that it packed a good sting, he beckoned to Aida.

“Come here,” he growled. That she’d taken him away from keeping his eye on Monty was no small infraction. He’d get to the bottom of why she’d been so defiant after he blistered her backside.

Still holding her chin erect, she marched over to him angrily, stomping on the leaves and twigs until she stood in front of him. Again, he wondered if her defiance was intentional. She knew he wouldn’t abide such behavior, and now that her spanking was imminent, she stared him down fearlessly. Did sheneedhim to spank her? Did a small part of her have to challenge him?

When she reached him, he grasped her elbow and glanced around him. A large stump was a few feet away, next to a fallen tree trunk. The stump would do well. He dragged her over and sat down. It was an easy matter to draw her straight across both knees.

As her warm belly pressed up against his lap, his cock hardened, and he nearly groaned out loud. Damn her curvy, inviting figure. He remembered the fevered pitch of her moans as he’d made her climax. The sudden vision of her luscious form, naked, beneath him on the clean white sheets in a room at Lawson’s, almost made him lose his focus. Sweet Jesus, what would it be like to have those tantalizing moans under him as he ground into her? Her soft, gentle curves beneath his hardened muscles as he mounted her?

But no. He could not dwell on anything but the matter at hand, and there was a naughty little girl who needed a good, hard spanking.

Placing the switch down beside him, he lifted her skirts quickly. His hands itched to stroke her, his mouth to take her. He wanted to ravish her until she groaned in ecstasy at his mercy. She wiggled in protest when his hand went to her drawers to pull them down, writhing to get away, but he held fast.

Her voice took on a different tone, no longer hard and defiant but now pleading. “Oh, please, Cole. Not on the bare skin! Not with a switch!”

There was something endearing about hearing his name in her lovely voice, but he’d still not be dissuaded. “Do I want to hear you call me Cole?”

Her shoulders slumped, and she shook her head from side to side. “No, Daddy.”

“Good girl. You’re hardly in a position to be tellin’ me what to do, little girl,” he said, as he pulled her drawers straight down to her ankles. Her hand shot out to block him but he pinned it quickly. She moaned, likely more so from apprehension and fear than anything, but the mere sound had him shifting with arousal. When she was sufficiently vulnerable, the smooth skin of her backside bare, he lifted the switch and touched her bottom with it.

“You were a naughty little girl just now, Aida,” he chided. “And Daddy won’t abide such behavior.” He lifted the switch and snapped it against her bottom. She flinched and yelped, as an angry red stripe rose on her creamy white skin. The switch whistled through the air before it landed again in a quietthwapagainst her skin. He paused several seconds between each swat.

“You’ll eat what I give you.”

Again the switch landed in earnest. She jumped and whimpered. He delivered three more firm swats before he spoke again.

“You’ll not defy me.”

Another hard lash of the switch broke her resolve, and she cried out loud.

“The men we’re with now will just as soon kill you as they would look at you, taking their fill of your sweet pussy in turn. Defying me now puts you at risk.”

The swish and thud of the switch fell in earnest now. Her bottom was striped in angry red welts as he continued. He wanted her to feel the sting for days. He wanted her to remember what happened to little girls who defied their daddies.

“You’ll do what I say, and you’ll obey me without question,” he continued. “I don’t care if I have to take you over my knee every damn morning when you wake up, and across my lap again before you go to bed at night.”

Thwap.The switch cut across her thighs, eliciting a scream of pain, before he lashed across her thighs again. She twisted her torso, trying to get away from the pain, but he held fast. He stopped his lecture, letting the punishing cut of the switch do the talking.

Her howls of protest quieted as Cole continued the switching. Her back no longer stiffened over his lap, and she went limp, though her hands clung tenaciously to his pant leg. He paused, placing one hand on her warmed backside, rubbing her skin. “Have I made my point, young lady?”