Page 16 of Claiming Olivia

“I’m sticky is more like it,” I replied sticking my tongue out at him as I got up and headed for the bathroom.

His laughter made me smile as I turned on the light and held a washcloth under the lukewarm water. Once I had cleaned him off of me, I grabbed another washcloth to clean myself off. I tossed both of the washcloths into a small hamper I had brought with me and walked back into the room where he was laying on his side. Alejo held out a hand to me as I approached and I took it letting him slide me into bed next to him. He looked me in the eyes for a moment.

“Did I hurt you?”


“Did you like it?”


“Good. Because if we are ever together again, it will be more painful than that; emotionally and physically,” he said kissing me on the forehead. “For now, go to sleep.”

I have to be emotionally attached to you for you to be able to hurt me that way first, I thought as I closed my eyes and nuzzled into his arms before I fell into a deep sleep listening to the sound of his steady breathing.

The morning sun blared through the open windows causing me to wake up and immediately shield my eyes. I noticed that Alejo wasn’t next to me and I sat up.

Well I’ll be damned, he’s one of those.

I sighed and pushed the sheets off of myself, but chuckled when I heard the shower starting in the bathroom.

Okay, so maybe he’s not.

I walked over to the windows and pulled the curtains closed, grabbing the remote back on my way to the bed. I sat with my back against the headboard and turned it on.

Cartoons seemed like the best idea, because I wasn’t going to be able to understand much else, but I always liked watching them.

“¿Qué estás haciendo?” Alejo asked as he emerged from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

I looked over at him and returned the smile he was giving me as he came over to see what was on the TV.

He laughed.

“I like cartoons,” I replied defensively.

“There’s nothing wrong with that. I think it’s quite cute actually,” he said with an amused look on his face.

I stuck my tongue out at him and turned my attention back to what I was watching. Alejo walked past me as he went to the side of the bed to retrieve his clothing and underwear and disappeared back into the bathroom.

“Liv?” he called.


“Can you come here a moment?”


“Yeah,” I said as I pushed my sheets off and got out of bed. I hovered for a moment watching a funny scene unfold, then walked into the bathroom chuckling about it.

“What do you need?” I asked as I stepped in.

“You,” he said as he gripped me around the throat and lifted me up against the wall.

My hands went to his wrist as he held me up, slightly cutting off my airs supply, and slid his dick into me.

It was vicious.