Page 19 of Claiming Olivia

I looked at her then back to Alejo as I felt myself become angry. I dropped my purse into the chair in front of me and began to drum my fingers along the top of the chair.

“I got your note,” I said.

“Good, I was hoping you would come tonight,” he said leaning back in his chair and putting an arm around the back of the brunette’s chair.

Are you fucking kidding me? I thought angrily.

“Well, have a nice evening,” I said curtly as I grabbed my purse and walked way.

“Liv! Wait!” he said behind me.

My pride was wounded right now and I didn’t want it to be downright broken, so I continued to walk as quickly as I could. I was so angry that I didn’t realize I had bumped into a waiter and caused them to spill their food. I was humiliated too. For some bizarre reason, I thought we might have had something, even if it was minuscule, but apparently I was wrong.

“Olivia! Stop!” he said as he followed me out of the restaurant.

“Fuck off!” I yelled without turning back as I took the corner as quickly as I could and looked desperately for an idle cab that I could hop into and disappear as quickly as possible.

I heard him as he broke into a jog and felt him grip my arm. I tried to pull away but he turned me to face him.

“I asked you to stop,” he said looking serious.

“And I told you to fuck off,” I replied ripping my arm out of his grip.

He stood there looking at me in disbelief for a moment as I walked away angrily and all but jumped on the first cab I saw coming down the straight. I waved my arms crazily over my head and I got it to stop. I jumped in the back and told the driver to get me back to the hotel.

When we reached the driveway, I threw him a fistful of money and walked the rest of the way. I got to my room and slammed the door shut behind me. I let my purse fall to the floor as I stood there for a moment trying to understand what had just happened.

Alejo invited me to dinner and when I had shown up he was there with some pretty girl fawning all over him.

Fuck him, I thought angrily as I put the extra lock on the door and started to undress myself.

I was laying comfortably on my bed about half an hour later, almost asleep when there was a knock on the door. Sighing, I pushed my sheets off and walked over to the door. Something told me to leave the lock on so when I opened the door the latch caught the door preventing it from opening all the way.

I expected to see Cassidy on the other side of the door, not Alejandro.

“Oh God, fuck o

ff already,” I spat angrily as I closed the door.

“Olivia, open the door,” he said as he knocked on the door again.

“Go away, Alejandro,” I said through the door.

“Not until you open the door,” he said as he knocked again.

I walked away and turned off all the lights and climbed back into the bed. I had no plans on opening the door, so as far as I was concerned, he could stand out there knocking until his knuckles were raw.

After almost a full five minutes of incessant knocking it stopped and I let out a sigh of relief. Another three minutes passed before there was a softer knock on the door with Cassidy sounding frantic.

“Olivia, open the door! Now!” she said as she knocked harder.

I got up and walked over to the door and undid the latch, swinging the door open.

“What’s wrong?” I asked when I noticed the look on her face.

“Oh my God. I thought something happened to you,” she said sighing in relief.

“Why?” I asked in confusion.