Page 32 of Claiming Olivia

Here they come! I thought excitedly as I held onto the gate.

Suddenly I was pressed tightly against the gate and my shorts and panties were pushed aside, followed by immediate penetration. I began to struggle as hard as I could until I felt a hand grab my ponytail and pull it firmly back to arch me. I was terrified because I couldn’t see who was doing this to me and I didn’t come all the way to Spain to be sexually assaulted. I struggled harder.

“Es mi deseo me,” a voice breathed into my ear as I felt another powerful thrust deep inside of me.

I relaxed and leaned back and let Alejo have his way with me at the front of the crowd, at the Running of the Bulls Ceremony, on the beautiful hot day in July. It was quick but to feel him inside of me so suddenly and in such a public place was even more amazing than ever.

Not to mention that I felt a lot safer knowing who had pinned me against the gate.

The ground began to shake as the bulls started to make their way down the alley and the crowd cheered louder. I leaned my head back against Alejo and gasped loudly.

The sensation of the streets trembling and him inside of me, pushing so desperately, was more than I was becoming more than I could bear.

“More!” I yelled to him.

He pushed deeper inside of me and pulled my hair tighter into his fist. I could feel his breath on the side of my face.

I was almost there and so was he.

“Ay Dios,” he breathed into my ear as his body started to shake. I closed my eyes and let myself go. As he filled me with his desire, I covered him in mind.

It was so perfect.

So symphonic.

So forbidden.

I breathed heavily as he let me back down and released my ponytail. I turned and looked up at him as he slid himself back into his pants with a tired smile.

I couldn’t smile though. Something in me was beginning to not just want him, but need him. I felt like what I said to him our first night together was true. Alejo was becoming an addiction to me but for now I knew it was a destructive one. Not to me, but to my relationship with Mitch.

Noticing the serious look on my face, he leaned down and took me into his arms and kissed me softly on the lips.

I hesitated for a moment before I reached up and returned his kiss, parting his lips with my tongue. He held me tightly against him as we kissed like two lovers that would never see each other again, because for all either of us knew that would be true.

When he pulled back, he looked over my shoulder and smiled.

“Look,” he said as he turned me around and hoisted me back up onto the gate.

“Wow!” I exclaimed.

I thought the bulls had run through while we had sex because of the powerful shaking of the ground, but they were just now rounding the corner and coming down our way.

He placed a hand on either side of me on the gate and kept himself against me to keep me from falling down. He yelled happily behind me along with the crowd as I watched the powerful animals run by, with large pointy white horns.

Even though I was excited to see them, I felt bad for them at the same time. I hadn’t done any research so I didn’t know what would happen to them at the end of their journey. I just knew they were trapped in a straight route right now with no way to go but straight ahead and I thought of my relationship with Mitch.

Maybe I should get out there and run with you guys. I know just how you feel, I thought glumly.

It was over in a matter of minutes. A four hour train ride and waking up at two in the morning for about half an hour of waiting and a five minute run. Not to mention the hot surprise sex.

As the crowd started to disband happy and moving on to the next event, Alejo helped me down and looked around the crowd. He was enthusiastically waving someone over to us.

“Oh shit, I have to find Cassidy,” I said looking up at him. “I left her making out in the crowd somewhere.”

“She’s fine, I see her walking toward us with my brother,” he replied with a grin.

“Your brother?” I asked curiously looking for Cass.