Page 34 of Claiming Olivia

“Looks like we’re paired up today, eh?” César said with a big grin as he approached me.

“I guess so!”

“Actually you have two escorts,” Alejo said as he came around from behind me. “I saw you about a block back and have been following you,” he admitted sheepishly.

César and I laughed as his face turned red.

“Then I guess I should probably leave, if you saw her first,” he said.

“Or,” I interceded, “I can spend the day with both of you.”

César looked questioningly at his brother who nodded at him and I held out my arms. They each took one and we continued down the street.

“There’s going to be a bullfight later if you want to attend,” Alejo said to me.

“Depends, do I get to weaken the Matador by stabbing him with swords?”

Alejo and César both laughed.

“I guess I should have mentioned I’m pro animal. I’ll save an animal’s life over a human’s any day of the week,” I explained with a smile.

“That’s admirable,” César remarked.

“I guess,” I replied.

“Madre!” Alejo yelled out suddenly.

I jumped as Alejandro and César both broke away from me and ran toward a very lovely older, light haired woman. She smiled at them and held her arms open as they both hugged her simultaneously.

Alejo turned toward me and waved me over enthusiastically. I took a deep breath assuming that I was about to meet his mother and walked over slowly and trying to smile.

She smiled at me as I approached and as Alejandro introduced me as his “very good friend, Olivia”.

Thanks for the intro. You just helped me make up my mind.

“Mucho gusto,” I said holding out my hand for her to shake. She smiled and instead pulled me into a hug.

When she let go, I stepped back and looked at the Castillo brothers.

“So listen, I should really find Cassidy and make sure that her and her friend are okay. Thanks for the walk. And please tell her it was a pleasure to meet her. I don’t know how to say it,” I said.

I smiled at their mother again and gave her a small wave as I turned around and headed back quickly the way I came.

It took about an hour before I found Cassidy hand in hand with Feliciana waiting in line to get into the arena.

“Hey Liv!” she called out when she saw me. “Do you wanna watch the bullfight with us?”

“No way,” I replied making a face. “I’m going to go back to the Hilton though. So if you’re looking for me that’s where I’ll be!”

“Okay, sounds good,” she said as I walked away.

I looked around and tried to figure out how I would get back to the room from here. To be honest I had no clue; I was as lost as a nun in hell so I decided to sightsee a little more.

I found myself wandering over to Ciudadela Park. It seemed interesting from the outside, so I paid my admission and stood in the small tourist group waiting to be led around the forts. History was always a big love of mine so I knew I would have fun with this.

As we moved around the park and got to see the beauty of the construction of the forts, I was so happy. Being a self-proclaimed nerd, I knew this was something that out of most of my friends, I would probably enjoy the most.

I took out my phone and started to snap pictures with my camera. A pretty, teenaged girl with white blonde hair and soft blue streaks came over and asked me if I wanted her to take pictures of me with the different attractions inside.