Page 36 of Claiming Olivia

“Teresa,” César replied seriously.

“What about her?” he asked his brother.

César took a deep breath, “She called me after she met Olivia in Ciudadela Park. She said she was taking pictures for her in the fort and, you know how nosy she is, saw a picture of the two of you lying in bed. That’s when she decided to ask Olivia how old she was and if she knew how old you are. Once she had her nice and upset, she tried her best to get her to stay away from you because of your age difference. Anyway, this is what she did,” he said rubbing my arm.

“I have two questions for you, Livie,” Alejo said. “First, when did you take a picture of us together in bed?”

Sniffling, I reached into my shorts pocket and pulled out my phone. I opened the gallery and scrolled through. I had taken it the first night we were together and he was sleeping next to me. Neither of us were uncovered, but he looked so peaceful and I looked so happy for once that I wanted to hold onto that for as long as I could.

I made the picture larger and held the phone out to him. He looked down and smiled wistfully. Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. After a moment, he held it out to me and fresh tears formed in my eyes.

It was the same night and the sun was shining so he had been awake even though he acted as if he were still asleep and he took a picture of himself, gently kissing my forehead with me tucked securely into his arms, still asleep.

“Wow, you two are disturbing,” César joked which made us all laugh. “See? Age doesn’t matter after all,” he said giving me a squeeze.

“Which brings me to my second question,” Alejo said.

I looked up at him from his brother’s arms and wiped the tears away from my eyes.

“What the fuck does it matter how old either of us are?” he asked softly.

“It just bothers me,” I replied honestly. “It’s not fair to you that I’m so much older and it’s not fair to me that you’re so much younger. With that being said, I’ve made up my mind,” I said getting to my feet.

“Wait, you said you would wait until Madrid,” he replied edgily.

“I know,” I said softly, “but my answer won’t change.”

He crossed his arms over his chest, “Well?”

“I ... I ...,” my voice trailed off.

Don’t speak irrationally, my mind warned me.

Tell him how you really feel, my heart begged.

César got up and walked away to give us privacy. I looked down for a moment before I took Alejandro’s hands and looked into his eyes.

“You are the most addictive pleasure I’ve ever had. I could inject you into my veins forever and never come down from the high.” He smiled. “Oh God, Alejandro; I could go to sleep in your arms every night and wake up happily knowing that I would be safe and with someone who might honestly love me. I could look into your eyes for the rest of my life and always see an amazing life for us together. I could inhale your smell for the rest of my life and take it with me when I die happily knowing that I will always have you with me somehow.”

I took a deep, steadying breath.

“But I can’t leave Mitchell. Not after a few days together. I’m sorry,” I said.

He let out his breath in a whoosh and his mouth hung open. He looked like I had just shattered his entire world as tears began to spill down his face. He dropped my hands and looked to the ground before he looked at me again. Then he turned, looking completely lost and walked away without so much as a word.

His brother, obviously noticing the distress Alejo was now going through, tried to put an arm around him, but got shoved roughly away. César looked at me and gave me a sad smile and a nod before he took off after his now devastated brother.

I looked at the ring on my finger and swore to myself that I would never tell Mitch about my indiscretion. I wouldn’t lose him too especially since I still loved him.

I sat down on the bench to wait for the next train. The next few days were going to be rough and I knew Cassidy would ask about Alejo, but all I would be able to tell her was that I didn’t want to talk about him. She would respect that; I knew she would and then we would finish our trip like we had never met the Castillos.

The next train came forty five minutes later and as I found a seat, I thought of Alejo and hoped he was okay. I never meant to do this to him. Hell I never meant to meet anyone to do this to. I knew one thing was for sure as I felt my phone move in my pocket; I would never delete that picture of us together.

Even if he found someone else and forgot me, I’d never forget him.


I closed my eyes and fell asleep for the four hour trip back. I woke up because the lady that sat next to me shook me and asked me if it was my stop.