Page 8 of Claiming Olivia

“Well, this could be where we part ways, or I could give you a ride to wherever it is you’re staying so that you don’t spend money on these expensive cabs,” Alejo said saddling up beside us.

Cassidy and I exchanged a look.

“Give us a second?” I asked looking up at him.

“Yeah. I’ll go get my car while you decide,” he said as he walked away toward the parking garages.

“Are there any hostels in Ibiza?” I asked her thoughtfully.

She laughed, “Don’t think we can’t take him if he tries anything stupid.”

“True. I mean, I don’t know. He seems pretty nice,” and damn fine, “I don’t think he’ll kidnap us and sell us into sex slavery or anything.”

“Something tells me you wouldn’t mind if he did as long as he was the person being your sex master,” she grinned.

“MOVING ON,” I replied, my face turning red.

Alejo pulled up in front of us in a sleek, black sports car. He stepped out and leaned over the top of the car.

“Well?” he asked with a smile.

Cassidy gave me a nudge and I nodded.

“Sure, as long as you can promise that you’re not a crazy killer or anything,” I agreed.

Laughing, he walked around the car and grabbed our bags. Cassidy slid in the backseat and I stood there watching him put our belongings into the trunk. When he lowered it down to lock it and saw me standing there, he winked and smiled at me.

After we hopped into the car and he put it in gear, I could hear Cassidy softly snoring in the backseat.

“Geez, she must’ve had a rough flight from New York,” I said quietly to Alejo.

“Where are you staying?” he asked.

“Oh. Hold on,” I replied as I fumbled with my purse. I unfolded the reservation and found the name of the hotel. “Los Molinos?”

“Okay, I know where that is,” he said changing lanes to get onto the highway.

I glanced over at him as I put the reservation back into my purse. I wanted to make conversation with him but I wasn’t sure what else I could say at that moment.

After a few moments of silence passed, he glanced over at me briefly with a smile.

“How long are you staying here?”

“Seven days, then we were going to do some hopping around Spain for another five days. Madrid, Barcelona.”

“Hm,” he said with a smile.

“So did you ever guess where in the Caribbean we’re from?” I asked turning slightly to face him.

“I have an idea. Of course I will be keeping that to myself until later,” he replied glancing in his side view mirror.

“Later?” I asked swiveling behind us to see the traffic.

“Yes, I was hoping that since you were both so kind to me that I would be able to take you to dinner this evening,” he said as he switched lanes.

“Thanks, but I think we were just going to try to get on Spain time and go to sleep when we got to the hotel,” I replied.

“That’s a shame.”