“No. There haven’t been any wolven around, actually. They seem to have scattered.”

“Fucking cowards.” Then again, was it really their fight? “What are we going to do with Lucan?”

Nadya rose up and came over. “He’s stabilized a little. But he’s either going to lose his life or that leg. We’ve cut off circulation to it completely, which has stemmed the blood loss, but the tissue is going to start dying soon—and there’s no way I can operate on it. Even if we were in a sterile environment, that’s way beyond my abilities.”

“Where’s the nearest human healer?” Kane asked.

When there was no answer from anybody, Apex realized he was looking at two people who had as much knowledge about the environs as he did.

“We need to go find a human,” Kane announced. “Get into their brain, find something that way.”

Apex’s eyes went out to the valley below. He had no idea what time it was, but that didn’t matter. They were going to be scrubbing memories whether or not they had to wake a man or a woman up to raid their brain.

“You two need to go,” Nadya said.

“No way—”

“No fucking way—”

Nadya dropped her voice. “If there were still guards on the mountain, they would have attacked by now. It’s more likely that whatever’s left of them are steaming down the trail because you eliminated so many and they’re in retreat.”

“Or they’re getting reinforcements,” Kane cut in.

“From where? How many have you killed in the last twenty-four hours?” As that shut her male up, the nurse kept going. “You need to stick together. Rio’s a trained shooter. Mayhem is good with a gun. I’ll keep Lucan as stable as I can. We have to split up if we’re going to get him the help he needs.”

Kane broke off and did a little walk around like he was losing his mind and didn’t want to speak until he was sure he had himself under better control.

“We can move you into Callum’s den,” Apex said. “You’ll have your back against the wall, but it’s a single access passageway and we can leave you with enough guns and ammo to kit out a small army.”

“Dearest Virgin Scribe,” Kane muttered.

“He’s going to lose that leg,” Nadya said. “It’s already turning blue at the toes. He needs a real doctor.”

Apex looked at the other male. And when things continued to be tense and silent, he glanced at Nadya—

And did a double take.

The female was looking… well, she had a full head of hair all of a sudden. To the point where it was brushing the lobes of her ears, the baldness completely gone. And her face had smoothed out, no more of the skeletal bones and scarred skin.

In fact, she was almost radiant, the kind of female that people would glance at, and then keep staring toward, because she was pleasing to the eye.

Apex looked at Kane and thought of the shape the nurse had been in when they’d brought her up here to the hut.

“Fine,” Kane announced. “But I don’t like this.”

Holy crap, Apex thought. What the hell was in that male’s veins?

Whatever it was, it had both nearly killed the female… and resurrected her.

Before Kane dematerialized down into the valley below, he stepped against Nadya and dropped a kiss to her mouth without thinking about it. And as she kissed him back, he liked the sense they were both on the same page with things.

At least one part of the night wasn’t going badly.

“We have to move him,” Kane said to Rio. “If both Apex and I are leaving, Lucan needs to be in a more secure area.”

The female, who still had her wrist to her mate’s mouth, just nodded in a wan way.

“And you need to stop feeding him,” Nadya said. “Before we have two people needing transfusions.”