That he just had to taste.

His clothes disappeared and then he was leaning down and capturing the water from her breasts, first one side and then the other. As her hands went into his hair, she pulled him even closer, so he went down on his knees to worship her properly.

And so he could go lower, down to her abdomen.

And lower still.

As she fell back against the tiled wall, he nuzzled between her thighs. His mouth sought out her sex, sucking at her, licking, tasting the combination of the two of them—and to get a better angle, he twisted around, leaned back, and braced his palms, his chin at the front of her.

Nadya lowered herself onto his face, and he licked into her.

When he came, his ejaculations went into thin air. But that was okay.

He had filled her up enough already.


When night finally fell, it was clear Lucan was going to pull through. Nadya was confident of it as she double-checked his vitals thanks to the ambulance’s equipment.

“Well?” he asked.

She looked up at him. He’d angled the hospital bed up, and even with the verticality, his color was good. “You’re doing so well.”

He clapped his palms and pulled his mate in for a kiss. “Great, I’m healed—”

“But you’re going to have to spend the night here at the garage. You need another twenty-four hours before you’re ready to go.”

“Oh, come on.”

From up in front, the two medics who had done such wonderful work with his wound twisted around at the same time.

The blond woman looked at her patient as if he were insane. “We’re taking you in to the medical center in Plattsburgh right now. Are you crazy? You almost died last night—”

The woman fell quiet as Kane appeared in the rear entry. “You guys were so great. We owe you.”

There was a brief pause. Then Lucan twisted around to them. “Yes, thank you.”

“Thank you so much,” Rio echoed. “You saved his life. And mine.”

Both of the medics started talking, but then went quiet. After which, they brought their hands up to their foreheads.

“Let me help you off the stretcher,” Nadya said to Lucan.

As she stood up from the little bench seat, she was amazed at how easy it was to bend over and help the male off the examination bed. Though she found herself bracing for pain anytime she moved, it never materialized.

Not that she wasn’t a little stiff.

In the most delicious of places.

Kane climbed in and helped get the patient out the back, steadying Lucan as the male got down off the high bumper of the rear.

They had a chair ready for the wolven, and as soon as he was settled in, with Rio by his side, Kane leaned into the ambulance.

“Thank you so much,” Nadya murmured. It was just too emotional to say goodbye to those humans.

They had been through a trial together, and that created bonds that were hard to break.

On that note, Mayhem opened up the big door of the garage, and with a sweet diesel scent, and moments later, the ambulance trundled off… with the two heroic humans who would never know just how grateful a bunch of vampires were to them.