As Ernie McTierney kept talking, V let the guy go. What the hell did he care—he wanted to finish his cigarette anyway, and it wasn’t much different than having a TV on in the background.

“He’s here, but he’s not, you know?”

“Yeah.” V nodded back to the store’s closed door. “So you got any leads on the break-in from your dad?”

“He was talking a lot about soldiers, but he lost a brother in Vietnam, so who knows. Mostly he’s forgetful, but sometimes he sees things that aren’t there. And what are the chances a platoon of Army guys pulls up here to steal a bunch of antibiotics and Band-Aids.”

“Nothing else is gone? Fucking weird.”

The sheriff cursed under his breath. “That’s what I said. Anyway, I’ll go get Dad.”

At that moment, the back door reopened, and the elder McTierney stepped in between the jambs. As he stared across at his son, the old man seemed at a loss for words.

“Hi, Dad,” Ernie said with utter exhaustion. “I’m here to take you home.”

The father couldn’t seem to move.

“Dad, it’s me, remember?” In a lower voice, the guy muttered, “Of course you don’t—”


The son’s eyes came up. “What did you say?”

“My God…Ernie.”

The old man closed the distance on a shuffle, and he grabbed on to the shoulders of the adult his child had become like they hadn’t been in the same country for a decade, holding his progeny still so he could have a proper look at his boy.

“Dad?” the sheriff said with wonder. “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know.” The old man shook his head. “I have no idea.”

The sheriff glanced around. “I think we better get you home—”

“Wait, because I don’t know how long this is going to last. I need you to know…”

“What, Dad?”

“I’m so proud of you.” The old pharmacist searched the face of his son.“You’re such a good man. And I know it hasn’t been easy with me, especially since Momma died.”


“Come here.”

As they embraced, V looked away and put his hand-rolled out on the heel of his shitkicker. Tucking the butt into his ass pocket, he figured he might as well go and deal with a family reunion of his own.

Slipping through the back door, he glanced around. The pharmacy was empty—

Down on the floor, his sister’s boots were sprawled out on the far side of the counter, and he shot around to her. “Goddamnit.”

Payne was faceup and out cold with her eyes open, her skin as pale gray as the linoleum under her.

Kneeling down, he lifted her head and settled it in his lap. “Payne, how we doing.”

But like he didn’t know the answer to that?

When there was no reply, he took out his phone and started texting with one hand. At least Butch was already on his way in something they could transport her back to the training center with—but Manny was going to be hysterical.

“Oh, my God, is she okay?”