He thought of biting those guards, and what had happened to them.

“What the fuck did that old female do to me?” he said numbly.

“What you asked for.”

“I didn’t ask for this.”

“You agreed to it.” The wolven pulled his hands through his hair. “Jesus.”

With a combination of panic and dread, Kane turned his head again, and as his ear came up against the door, he listened to the fall of the water; what did he need to—

“I have to take her to the gray-haired old woman.” He looked at the wolven. “You need to help me get her to that female.”

“She’s not going to help you—”

“Yes, she will. This is her fault.”

The laughter that came out of the other male was the nastiest thing he had ever heard. “Sure, I’ll bring you back to the mountain. And you can tell her the blame’s all hers. Let’s just see how that goes—”

When the male abruptly stopped speaking, Kane looked toward the stairs. Apex had palmed a gun and was pointing it at the wolven.

“You’re taking him to that old female. Right now.”

Kane glanced back at the wolven. Instead of looking scared or even defiant, he assumed a bored expression.

“That’s a helluva way to ask nicely,” the male said in a dry voice.

As Apex trained his gun on the male who had given him the best blow job of his life about twelve hours before, he really wanted to shoot the wolven. He was praying—praying—that the motherfucker would do something stupid. Which was saying something for an atheist.

If only the guy’d say something likeFuck you, I’m not taking you anywhere. Or maybe he could attack Kane.

Or play a terminal game of hard to get by rushing for the exit.

The idea that that male knew both Apex’s secret and his past was creating a cognitive dissonance that couldn’t be reconciled. Why thehellhad he gotten to talking? It was no one’s fucking business what he saw or where, and it certainly wasn’t a good idea for him to be blabbering about anything that had to do with hismahmenor why he’d ended up in the prison camp.

And yet all that had come out.

But that wasn’t the worst part. That dead guy? The one with the brown belt around his throat?

Apex had really wanted to know about that male. He’d been hungry for the details—in a way that made no goddamn sense. What did it matter to him and his life who had hung himself where and why.

“Let’s go.” He motioned with the gun. “You said you have a car hidden on this property. Do you have a stretcher, too?”

Kane spoke up. “I’ll take her in my arms. For however long I have to, I’ll carry her.”

The wolven lowered his head like he was hoping there was another way, any other way. Then he shrugged. “This is not going to go well.”

“What makes you think we’re having fun now,” Apex muttered.

Callum seemed to snap to attention. “Excellent point. Let’s head out.”

With a nod, Kane disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door. A moment later, the water was cut off, and Apex looked back down at the other male.

“Is the nurse going to live?” he asked.


“What’s in his veins?”