Page 13 of Trista's Truth

“That’s bullshit,” Henry insisted, “you two need to go into a safe house to avoid what happened last night, happing again.”

“That’s the thing, I don’t think that Dante’s eager to get his hands on either of us. I think that he’s got bigger fish to fry, I just can’t figure out who.” Trista had a feeling that she couldn’t shake about Dante going after something or someone bigger than either of them.

“If you won’t go to the safe house, I’m afraid that I’ll have to remove you from the case,” Henry said. “You’re too close to it anyway. I should have taken you off the case after Pete died, but I left you on knowing that you wouldn’t accept my order to stand down.”

“And if I don’t agree to accept it now?” she asked.

“Well then, I’ll have to insist and put a few guards around Joel’s house to keep the two of you from leaving. Do I need to do that, Trista?” he asked.

“No,” she whispered. The last thing that either of them needed was to feel trapped in his house. She had a feeling that Joel wouldn’t go for that at all. He had already snuck out to go for a run while she was sleeping. “That won’t be necessary.”

“So, you’ll accept my order and stand down?” Henry asked.

Trista sighed, “I will,” she agreed, “reluctantly.”

“Noted,” Henry said. “You two stay put, and I’ll keep you as informed as I possibly can, under the circumstances.” Trista wouldn’t rely on her boss to keep her up to date on the Gemini case. She had a few friends in the bureau who would help with that. She was sure that Henry wouldn’t give her the information that she needed anyway.

“I appreciate that,” Trista said, trying to keep the peace. “Talk soon,” she said, ending the call. She tossed her cell phone to the couch and turned to find Joel standing in the doorway.

“Everything good?” he asked.

“No,” she mumbled. Joel crossed the room to where she stood and reached out to take her hand into his own.

“Want to talk about it?” he asked.

“No,” she breathed, “I’ve been kicked off of the Gemini Brother’s case because my boss thinks I’m too close to it. I mean, maybe I am, since Dante killed my little brother, but to be kicked off the case hurts, you know?” she asked.

“I’ve been kicked off a few cases over the years, and I have to admit, it does suck. But we’ll find a way to get through all of this, Trista. We’ve both been removed from this case, and neither of us is about to back down from it, so we’ll figure it out.”

“Thanks for saying that, Joel,” she said.

He nodded, “I’ve got breakfast ready if you’re hungry.”

“Sounds great,” Trista, “thanks for being so good about everything, Joel.” She followed him into the kitchen and sat in the chair that he had pulled out for her. He was being so nice to her, that she wasn’t sure if she wanted to cry or laugh. For now, she’d settle for breakfast, and then, she’d call a few of her contacts to find out where Dante went to.


They atetheir breakfast making small talk, but all Joel wanted to do was talk with her about that scorching kiss that they shared, but he could tell that Trista wasn’t ready to talk about any of it. In fact, he could tell that she was going to avoid talking about the kiss that they shared at all.

She sighed and pushed her half-full plate back from her place at the table. “You know, we’re going to have to talk about it, right?” she asked.

“Okay,” he agreed, “you go first.” He was relieved that they were going to put the topic of their kiss behind them so that he could discuss the possibility of more kissing in the future.

“Fine, I don’t think that it’s safe for you to leave the house and go for runs on your own. Do you have someone you can run with?” she asked.

“What?” he asked. Was she really going to discuss him going for a jog this morning over their hot kiss in that very kitchen?

“You can’t just go out by yourself, Joel,” she repeated. “What if Dante has his men scoping this place out? You could have been taken or worse. You really need a jogging partner.”

“You’re talking about me going jogging?” he asked, trying to keep up.

“Are you all right?” she asked. “I feel like you were expecting us to talk about something else.”

“I was,” he admitted. “I mean, I thought that we were going to talk about our kiss.”

“Our kiss?” she asked. Now, she seemed to be the one trying to keep up with their conversation.

“Yeah—that hot as hell kiss that you gave me before your boss called you,” he reminded.