Page 21 of Trista's Truth

“I get it,” Joel said.

“As you both know, Dante never got out. You all had enough on him to hold him, but that really didn’t help me at all. I was afraid that I’d end up dying in that cage if no one found me.”

“What happened?” Trista asked. “How did you get out?”

“My team came in and got me out of there,” Pete said. “It wasn’t easy. We barely made it out of there alive, and when I got back to the bureau, I was pulled into a room and told that as far as anyone else was concerned, I was dead. I tried to argue that I couldn’t let my family believe that I was dead, but they vetoed my opinion and told me their plan on how they were going to make everyone believe that I was dead. I’m guessing that’s where the body parts that they sent home to be buried as me, came into play. I’m not sure how it all worked, I didn’t ask many questions at that point. All I knew was that I was dead. It was what Dante and the Gemini Brothers needed to believe, and I really didn’t ask questions. The agency put me up in a safe house and I stayed there until you two got Dante released.”

“Yeah, we’ve been trying to get the evidence that we need to bring down his entire organization, but he’s been able to stay one step ahead of us,” Joel admitted.

“I didn’t know that the local authorities had anything to do with the Gemini Brothers or their trafficking ring,” Pete said.

“Don’t be mean, Pete,” Trista insisted.

“Was I being mean?” Pete asked. He knew exactly what he was doing. He wanted to get back at Joel for putting him in the position that he had. “He had no idea what was going on in the CIA. He never got the message to stand down. Joel isn’t the one to blame for all of this.”

“Who is to blame then?” Peter asked.

“The Gemini Brothers,” Trista said, “and that’s why Joel and I are working together now.”

“Does the agency know that you two are working together?” Pete asked.

“Well, that’s none of your business,” Trista said.

“It is my business, Sis,” he insisted. “This is still my case.” She had been off the case since she and Joel had to disappear. The agency didn’t want her drawing attention to her or Joel, so they removed her from the Gemini case. It was a slap in the face, and her boss knew it, but there was no way that he’d let her come back as long as Dante was still out there.

“They don’t have any idea that we’re still working the case,” Joel said.

“Joel,” Trista shouted, “do you have to be so honest all the damn time?” she asked.

He flashed her his sexy smile, and he knew exactly what that did to her. Joel wasn’t playing fair, and he didn’t seem to care.

“Listen, I don’t know what to say or not say here, but I believe your brother,” he admitted.

“Well, you shouldn’t say that,” Trista insisted.

“Hey,” Pete said, “why not? I mean, if he’s just sharing his opinion, what does it hurt?”

“Because I haven’t decided if I believe you yet, Pete,” she said. “I just need some time to think about everything.”

“I get it,” Pete said. “I need you to keep my secret,” he said. “You can’t tell Mom and Dad yet.”

“I’m not allowed to tell our parents that their only son is still alive?” Trista asked.

“No, he said. I’m back in Dante’s good graces and he thinks that I’m a double agent. I need for him to believe that I’m double-crossing the CIA and working for him now,” Pete said.

“How did you get back into the Gemini Brothers if they know that you’re an agent?” Joel asked.

“Because I helped him to escape the last time the CIA was going to raid his warehouse. I convinced him that I wanted out of the agency, and when I told him about the raid, he started to trust me again.”

“So, you’re the reason why we can’t catch a break in the case,” Trista said.

He shrugged, “Probably,” Pete admitted. “You were going to raid an empty warehouse and that would only end with Dante getting out of jail again. He’s keeping them all just across state lines. So, that will mean that you’re out,” he said, pointing at Joel.

“Shit,” Joel growled.

“I know that we need to bring down his whole organization, and to do that, we need to raid his new warehouse,” Pete said. “I just need more time, and then you can move in,” he said to Trista.

“I’m not on the case anymore,” she spat, “remember?”