Page 28 of Trista's Truth

“Um guys,” Melody said, “can we cut the mushy shit short? The ambulance is here and is ready to take Trista to the hospital. I’m assuming that you’ll be riding with her, boss?”

“I will be,” he agreed. “I’m not leaving her side—ever.” He meant it too. Joel had finally found the woman he wanted forever with, and he’d never let her go now that she had agreed to be his.


It had beenover two weeks since they brought down the Gemini Brothers and Trista had a quick meeting scheduled with her boss before she was supposed to meet Joel at the courthouse. She told him that she just wanted a simple ceremony—just the two of them, and he complied. She agreed to let her parents throw them a small party for family and friends after they got back from their honeymoon next month. As of tomorrow, they were going to be spending two weeks on a tropical island and that sounded like pure heaven to her.

She walked into Henry’s office, and he told her to shut the door. “What’s up, boss?” she asked.

“You know that I hate when you call me that, right?” he asked.

“I do, but I just can’t seem to help myself,” she teased.

“I thought that you should know that I offered Joel a job,” he said.

“You offered my soon-to-be husband a job and didn’t say anything to me first?” she asked.

“I did, but he turned it down,” Henry said.

“What—why would he turn down the chance to work for the CIA?” she asked. There was a knock at the door and Henry called for whomever it was to come in. Joel walked in and she stood from her seat.

“What’s going on here?” she asked. Her arm was still in a sling and Joel carefully pulled her good side against his body, wrapping an arm around her waist.

“I thought that I’d come down and pick you up for our little date,” he said. They hadn’t told anyone except the people closest to them about getting married at the courthouse.

“He knows,” she drawled. “I had to tell him since I’m taking the next two weeks off for our honeymoon.”

“Congratulations, by the way,” Henry said.

“Thanks,” Joel breathed. He looked between the two of them, “Did I interrupt something?” he asked.

“Well, you could say that,” Trista said, “Henry just told me that he offered you a job here and that you turned it down.”

“He did, and I did,” Joel admitted.

“Why did you turn it down? I mean, isn’t it the next step in your career?” Trista asked.

“Yes, and no,” he said. “I’ve worked so hard to work my way up in the ranks at the precinct. I don’t want to leave my position and become the low man on the totem pole over here. While I appreciate the offer, I’m happy where I am. I told you when we met that I love my job, and that hasn’t changed. Although my department would be happy to work with yours on future cases if you find it necessary.”

“I’ll take that into consideration,” Henry agreed. “Now, don’t you two have a ceremony to get to?”

They had an appointment at the courthouse at two. She checked her watch and nodded. “Yes, and we’re going to be late.”

“We’re only just across the street,” Joel said. “I’m sure that we’ll make it in time.”

“You two have a great honeymoon, and I’ll see you when you get back, Trista,” Henry said.

“Thanks, boss,” she teased. “I should be all healed up by then too.” Having her arm in a sling landed her on desk duty, and she was itching to get back out on the street. But first, she planned on marrying the man of her dreams.

“You ready to become my wife?” he asked, reaching for her hand.

Trista took it and smiled up at her soon-to-be husband. “I am,” she breathed. “Are you ready to become my husband?” she asked.

“I am,” he said, “I’ve been counting down the minutes, and I can’t wait to make you mine, Trista,” Joel said.

She giggled, “I hate to tell you this, Joel, but I’ve been yours since I pulled my gun on you at Savage Hell.” She meant it too. She had wanted him from the very beginning and Trista was sure that wouldn’t change—ever. Falling for him was an unexpected bonus and becoming his wife was a dream she thought might never come true, but it was. She had finally found her forever, she found her truth, and Trista never planned to let that go again.

The End