“Damon, don’t. It’s not that simple.”

“Life isn’t simple, but this doesn’t have to be so fucking complicated. What is it with you constantly being Mr. Negative?”

“I’m trying to protect you.”

He shook his head. “You can try to protect me all you want, but I’m not going to end up lonely because of

it. Don’t ruin this for us.”

Brushing past his brother, he entered their home, and went straight toward the kitchen where he found Opal sitting at the kitchen counter. She wore one of their shirts, and it looked good on her. Her pale features now had a little color in them. She smiled the instant he entered the room, and that smile, it went straight to his cock, and made him think all kinds of dirty thoughts. He wanted her, fuck the consequences.

Something told him that Opal was different from a lot of women. His brother would think he’d gone crazy, but the moment Damon saw her, he knew she was the one.

She’d been on that trip to find herself, and he knew she’d tried to end her life, or at least thought about it once. This woman was screaming for help, but no one was listening.

He didn’t say a word, tongue-tied for the first time in his life. Damon grabbed some slices of bread and started to make himself a sandwich.

“You have an amazing home,” she said.

He watched as she glanced around the room with a childlike wonder. “Have you only ever lived in apartment buildings?”

“Yeah. Cheap ones. Most of my neighbors have been cockroaches.”

He saw the sadness in her eyes, and he was done.

Life was about taking chances, and he was about to take one for all three of them.

Chapter Four

Opal felt fresh after her long soak in the bath. Her head was clear, and her energy had returned. It was the day she’d dreaded, the day she should ask for a drive to town because she was no longer bed-bound.

Damon’s mood had been off since this morning. There was an energy between them, but she didn’t want to disappoint herself and believe it was intimacy. For all she knew, he had grown impatient with her slow recovery.

“Hungry?” he asked.

“I’m fine.” She’d already had breakfast in bed, thanks to Caleb. “I’m trying to watch what I eat, anyway.”


“Because I’m fat.”

He dropped the butter knife on the counter with a clang and turned around, his face stoic. “You shouldn’t talk about yourself like that, Opal.”

“Why? It’s just the truth.”

“Eat to be healthy, not to change yourself.” He stepped closer and pulled another wooden chair from the table and set it in front of her. Damon sat down and took one of her hands between both of his. Damn, he had big hands … her thoughts wandered to forbidden territory again. “You’re perfect the way you are.”

She shook her head. Opal was a big girl. She was used to the negativity and insults about her looks, so she was past living in denial. “If I had money, I’d definitely get a reduction.”

The horror on his face took her by surprise. Had she gotten too personal? Grossed him out? She wished she could take back her words and just eaten a sandwich. “It’s a good thing you don’t have the money,” he said. Damon stared at her, only a breath away, their knees touching. She could feel the blood pulse in her hand, very aware of his touch. “Not many women are as blessed as you. I’d hate to see you change one thing about those beautiful tits.”

Her jaw dropped.

“You’ve been a temptation since the moment we found you in our woods. I’ve been telling myself to behave and mind my distance, but the truth is I’d give anything to keep you.”

“Keep me?”

Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. She wanted to refute him, tell him he was full of shit, but she’d never seen a man more sincere. Damon, this Adonis of a man, was actually attracted to her. What did it all mean? Did he want a one-night stand? A prisoner?