“I don’t know. I’m getting quite attached to the floor,” Caleb said.

Damon laughed. “I think we’re going to need to buy a fluffier rug. My ass has carpet burn.”

They all burst out laughing.

“I love you guys so much,” said Opal.

Damon cupped her cheek, and pressed a kiss to her lips. “You’re our entire world.”

Chapter Twelve

Four months later

Opal wore her rubber boots as she navigated the thawing trails. With each step, her boots suctioned into the muck. She didn’t care because it meant spring was on the way in and winter on the way out. The birds sang in the trees above, dozens of different melodies. She’d fallen in love with the land, and couldn’t imagine life in the city ever again.

The men were busy making outdoor pens for the animals they’d purchased. They were arriving next week, so they had to get things finished in time. They bought two milking goats, a dairy cow, and half a dozen hens. The fresh eggs, milk, cheese, and butter would make life even better for them. It was empowering to live independently without having to travel to town too often.

She’d hiked farther than she had before, but she felt the need to be alone for a while with her own thoughts. In the distance, she saw a structure, and discovered a small wooden shack. It was still on the brothers’ land because they owned thousands of acres, way too far for her to wander beyond. Her curiosity soared.

Opal lifted the wooden lever holding the door closed and then gave it a push. The hinges whined loudly as the door swung open. Dust motes danced in the beams of light coming from the small windows. There wasn’t much inside, just an old stone fireplace, a square dinette table and chairs, and a wooden cupboard. She ventured inside, opening up the cabinet to find some old preserves in glass jars. Opal wondered who put them there and how long they’d been stored. The glass windows had a thick layer of dust, making them nearly opaque.

She sat down on one of the chairs, imagining fairy tales like Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Opal giggled to herself. She’d never felt so at peace with herself and her life.

There were some marks on the wood in one corner, so she got up to investigate. They were growth marks for different years when Caleb and Damon had been kids. She smiled, trying to imagine the brothers as children. Even at twelve they’d been taller than her.

A shadow passed by the small window, making her gasp. She hadn’t heard any footsteps and, in the light of day, she didn’t expect any animal encounters. Her carefree mood shifted to caution.

The door was still ajar, so she waited to see what would appear in the doorway after rounding the corner. She held her breath, biting her lower lip in anticipation. Please don’t be a bear or another crazy man. When nothing showed up, she wondered if she’d really seen anything.

She closed the cupboard and walked tentatively to the door. There were only the soothing sounds of nature waiting for her, so she pulled the door shut.

“What are you doing way out here?”

Opal gasped and twirled around into Damon’s arms. She looked up into his eyes, her heart still racing.

“You scared me.”

“Good. You were naughty wandering so far.” He opened the door and forced her to walk backwards into the cabin.

“What is this place?” She had no fear of Damon. His words only inspired desire inside her.

“Before our parents built the cabin, this was home for over a year. Then it was our playhouse.” The shack was tiny. She couldn’t imagine the four of them living comfortably.

“You had it rough.”

He shook his head. “It was an adventure.” Damon hoisted her up to sit on the wooden table.

“Now, tell me why you’re here, Opal.”

She snuck her hands under his padded jacket, running them up against his warm, bare skin. “I needed time to think, to reflect.”

“If you want to talk, you can always talk to either of us.”

“I know.” She brought her hands back down, dragging her nails against his firm flesh. He growled, staring at her like a wild man, a bushman.

“We just took a break from work, and I needed you, but you were nowhere to be found.” He leaned over and kissed behind her ear. “I had to track you.”

“You’ve found me now,” she whispered.