“You telling me you’re not attracted to her? Because that’s bullshit, Caleb.”

It was true they both had the exact same taste in women. They preferred a woman with meat on her bones, curves that overflowed in a man’s hands. Opal had an innocent beauty, all fresh and natural. He could imagine her ripe with their child, but he immediately pushed those thoughts away. Obviously, Damon wasn’t doing the same.

“Even if I was, it doesn’t matter. We don’t even know a thing about her. She said a few words before passing out.”

“Well, I can feel something,” said Damon.

“It’s called blue balls. Get over it,” said Caleb. “Besides, a woman like that is likely married or at least taken. And don’t forget how women run the other way when they find out we live off the grid.”

“You’re so damn negative.” Damon wrenched open the door, the screen slapping back into place. Silence settled around him once alone. He didn’t want to grow old and bitter, but he didn’t want to delude himself either. Mostly, he didn’t want Damon to get hurt. His brother was ready to put his heart on the line for a complete stranger.

He took a few cleansing breaths, then returned inside, locking up behind him. Damon was sitting on the coffee table, ogling their guest.

“You’re up,” Caleb said. “How do you feel?”

“Like I rolled down a hill into a pile of rocks.” She chuckled and tenderly touched her head.

He passed her the mug of tea. “Drink this. It’ll make you feel better and warm you up.”

“Thank you.” She cupped the mug in both hands. “I didn’t think I’d make it.”

“You’re safe now. Why weren’t you on the plane with everyone else?”

She finished taking a sip of tea. “I couldn’t afford it. I spent most of my saving just to go on my little adventure.”

Caleb was well aware the nature trips were targeted for the rich, people with so much money they didn’t know what to do with it. Damon and Caleb had done well for themselves in the city, starting their own construction company. It only taught him that money couldn’t buy happiness.

“I hope this experience didn’t give you a sour taste for country living,” said Damon. “Once you’re feeling better, I’d be happy to show you just how beautiful the land really is.”

Caleb scowled at his brother, but Damon ignored him.

“I’m surprised your boyfriend didn’t come along with you on the trip. I know if I had a woman like you, I wouldn’t let you out of my sight.”

Fuck. Couldn’t Damon keep his big mouth shut for two minutes? He was putting their guest on the spot when she was most vulnerable. His manners were shot to shit.

Caleb wasn’t a monster, and he had dreams and desires like any other man. He just didn’t believe in forcing himself on a woman. A relationship had to be stoked slowly, brought naturally to a flame. Damon wanted to skip right to the damn baby-making.

Opal bit her bottom lip, likely feeling awkward. “I don’t have a boyfriend. I was doing this for me.”

Damon smiled, glancing over at him with an evil smirk. Just because she was single didn’t mean she was ready to hook up with two bushmen. But Caleb couldn’t help but feel a trickle of hope.


Opal had woken up to the warmth of blankets and the crackle of an open fire. She thought she was dreaming, her mind creating a merciful fantasy in her dying hour. When she opened her eyes, the kind face of an old man looked down on her. A stethoscope hung around his neck, and she immediately felt the burden of survival slipping away. She was out of the elements and in the hands of a doctor.

She was half in a daze, studying the wooden plank ceiling above her and the different shaped knots in the wood. As her faculties returned, she focused on the two men still in the room, and she remembered the sequence of events—well, bits and pieces. Those men had saved her, brought her to this place in the woods. She tucked her hair behind her ears, imagining she looked worse than shit. The last thing she should care about was her appearance, but those men… They were tall and built, all burly muscle, rough hands, and worn jeans. The one with the blue eyes sat on the table, his elbows resting on his knees. His shoulders were massive, the red flannel shirt hugging his muscles.

The one with the short beard had dark eyes, the eyes of a predator. He’d look at her, but instead of smiling, the corners of his eyes would crinkl

e. He acted like she was an unwanted house guest, and she supposed she’d already put these men through the ringer tonight.

When he offered her the tea, her nerves settled slightly. “I’m sorry for putting you both out.”

“Don’t worry about us,” said Blue Eyes. “You just worry about getting better.”

“I don’t know your names,” she said.

“My name’s Damon, and this is my brother Caleb.”