Page 45 of Mistress And Mother

‘Nigel doesn’t feel he’s really cut out for the business world. And he has been working for that company of yours for a whole year now…’

‘He wants to take over the garden centre again, doesn’t he?’ Sholto closed his eyes in barely concealed horror at the prospect.

‘He hasn’t done very well on this training course idea, has he?’

Sholto angled an anxiously assessing eye at Molly’s concerned face. ‘He tries; he tries very, very hard.’

‘He doesn’t want the responsibility of running the garden centre again,’ Molly said worriedly. ‘He gets on well with that manager you put in and now that the centre has been expanded again he was wondering if he could sort of… well, take over the horticultural end and leave the rest to that manager…’

Sholto’s tension evaporated and he burst out laughing. ‘Molly…why do you think I expanded the place? It was important that Nigel gained some understanding of how a business should operate but I am more than happy for him to concentrate his considerable knowledge where it will be most profitably employed.’

In perfect harmony, they climbed the stairs. Sholto laid Jasper down in his cot with exaggerated care, tucked him in and smiled down into the drowsy dark eyes so like his own. ‘He’s just perfect, isn’t he?’

‘You could not produce anything less than a perfect child,’ Molly teased, but she was touched as she always was by the unashamed love and affection which Sholto made no attempt to hide around their son.

‘But then I have a perfect wife…’ Sholto curved her into his arms with a deep sigh of satisfaction.

Molly leant back into the embrace of his long, hard body and with a slight flush on her cheeks registered his masculine response to that proximity. She gave a sinuous shiver and turned round in the circle of his arms, heart beating as fast as it ever had as she looked up into loving and amused dark golden eyes.

‘Early night?’

‘It’s only five o’clock.’

Molly knew that look of mock disapproval, recognised the pleasure in his gaze as she propositioned him. ‘I want you now…’

Sholto claimed her mouth in an electrifying kiss and backed her out of the room, across the landing and into their bedroom.

‘I’ll never stop wanting you, cara…’ And with blissful contentment Molly melted into his arms.

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