Professor Feswick looked at her and then at Tobias.

“Tobias Bennett,” he said.

She didn’t like the way her stomach twisted.

“Professor Feswick.”

They shook hands, and she noticed the way that Tobias gripped his hand.

Pulling out of Tobias’s hold, she kept to her own space, not liking the way he’d claimed ownership of her in front of her professor. She wasn’t an idiot. He clearly didn’t like her talking to another male. She wasn’t a slut.

Rumor had it that some professors were known for offering good grades for favors returned. She always made sure to avoid them, as she had no intention of ever being that kind of student.

“I was just telling Adora what a fine student she is, and when she graduates, I hope another is as fascinated as she is.”

“I’ll miss your classes, Mr. Feswick. You’re an inspiration to me.” She spoke up before Tobias had a chance.

“I was hoping we’d discuss where you wished to intern in the next few months.”

Adora’s stomach twisted once again. Her degree required a certain level of work experience as well as academic. Her father owned one of the best firms in the country, known around the world.

“What kind of work?” Tobias asked. “I’ve got Adora’s best interests at heart.”

“We believe our students need a level of hands-on experience to see the true potential. Adora’s one of the top students in the class, and I was hoping I could put her forward toward the Hamilton program.”

Hearing her father’s last name filled her with anxiety. Pushing her panic away, she shook her head. “No, that’s not where I’m hoping to go,” she said.

Both men turned toward her.

She saw the confusion on their faces, and she didn’t care.

“Adora, you’re aware of the sheer volume and respect Hamilton brings?” Feswick asked.

“I’m aware of them.” And their lying, cheating, bastard of an owner. “They’re such an obvious choice. I don’t want to be obvious, so I was hoping to be part of the James and Co. program.” They were Hamilton’s biggest rivals, and she had no intention of ever, ever helping her father. That bastard had turned his back on her mother.

After reading her mother’s diary, and knowing the pain she must have been through, she vowed to never give the man the time of day, and that included interning at his company. Adora was aware her father had a wife and children now. The family he acknowledged.

“That certainly does surprise me, Adora. I know you only wish for the best, but it’s your future. Would you like me to put your name forward just in case? Hamilton is very … specific, so you may not even qualify.”

“Put her name down. At least then she’ll know,” Tobias said.

She gritted her teeth, and stared at Feswick.

“I’ll put your name forward for both.” Feswick glanced at his watch. “I must dash. I’ve got to be home for tea. My wife has plans. Enjoy your weekend.”

Feswick adored his children and his wife. He was always telling the class little stories, and she knew she wasn’t the only one that adored her professor.

“He’s an interesting man.”

She turned toward the man that had her torn in many different directions. “Why did you insist on putting my name forward?”

“Why did you insist on not having it put forward?” he asked, staring at her.

The identity of her father was a secret. She intended to keep it that way.

“Did you forget we had a dinner date?” he asked.

She shook her head. “No. I didn’t realize our date would be this early.”