Chapter Five

Tobias couldn’t wait to spend his money on Adora. Most of the women he dated were only after his wallet, so it was refreshing to spend time with a sweet girl. My girl. He led her into the boutique, ready to spoil her before their date. Her clothes were cheap, and he wanted to see her wearing the very best. The mother of his child wouldn’t want for anything.

“You don’t have to buy me clothes, Tobias. I can go home quickly to change, or wear what I have on,” she said, stalling at the entryway.

He shook his head. “Not happening.”

Her reluctance was uncanny. He practically had to drag her into the shop. As soon as they entered, she dug her heels in and looked around with a childlike wonder.

“There’re chandeliers,” she said, barely above a whisper.

She was getting under his skin. How could she be so fucking adorable and sexy at once?

“I told you. I only like the best.”

The white polished floors shone to a flawless finish. It reminded him of a dance floor, the clothing racks on the periphery. There were no other shoppers, but at this hour on a weekday, and with these prices, he didn’t expect any different.

“Can I help you?” A tall, thin blonde walked toward them, her heels clicking on the stone tiles.

Adora held his arm, keeping close. He loved that she looked to him for comfort. She was his to protect and care for now. The new responsibility grounded him.

“We’re looking for an evening gown, something she can wear to a nice dinner,” said Tobias.

The blonde looked Adora up and down. She looked like she’d just sucked on a lemon, and it pissed him off. “I don’t know if we have her … size.”

“Then get a fucking tailor here,” he said. “Have him at the ready.”

Her mouth fell agape.

“Adora, take a look at some dresses you like, and then you can try them on together.”

She looked up at him with pleading eyes. Didn’t women like to shop? He prodded her to check out the racks of dresses, finally getting her to select half a dozen dresses and some heels.

They entered the fitting area at the back of the store, a massive circular room with countless mirrors and vaulted ceilings. He sat on one of the sofas, taking a quick look at his watch. They had plenty of time.

The saleslady approached him, bending over to whisper, “Our tailor is unable to come on short notice. Extensive alterations require at least a week turnaround.”

“Do you know who I am?” he asked.

She shook her head.

He pulled out his wallet and handed her a card. “Tobias Bennett, Bennett Corporation. Call my assistant. She’ll have a tailor here within fifteen minutes.”

“Yes, sir. Of course, sir.”

“Now, I want this changing room closed off until we’re through, do you understand?”

“I’ll be sure no one enters. If you need anything, please let me know.”

Once the main door to the changing room clicked shut, Tobias smiled at Adora. She’d been standing nearby, looking at the dresses she’d selected.

“Take off your clothes,” he said.


“I want to see what I’m buying,” he said.

“You heard her, Tobias. These are way too small for me,” said Adora.