The man called Viper looked at her as if he was assessing her. “You’re really worth that much?” Viper entered the room, and closed the door. “Let the girl go, and I’ll let you leave here with your life.”

Laughter made her jump as the man behind her e

rupted as if it was the funniest thing he had ever head. “I know you’ve got a good reputation, Viper, but I don’t think you can take me.”

“Put the girl down, and let’s see.” Viper stood with his hands behind his back, looking so calm.

The man behind her was strong. She didn’t want either man to win, but she didn’t want the one behind her to win at all. That bastard was going to hurt her.

Viper was going to hurt her as well, but she hadn’t actually been hurt by him yet. He was the best bet.

She was shoved down hard on the floor.


The man walked toward Viper, and she didn’t know what she was expecting. Maybe a fight, something that was scary. She didn’t expect Viper to reach out, grab the man’s neck, and in one twist, snap it.

Her heart raced.

Her attacker was on the floor with his head at an odd angle. “Now this is curious.” Viper began to rummage through the guy’s pockets, and when he found the wallet, tossed it at her. “Who is he?”

She stared at him. “I’m not touching that.”

“Tell me who he is or I’ll hurt you a hell of a lot more than this bastard ever did, and from the look of your face, he hit you a few times.” Viper glared at her. “Now, who is he?”

Grabbing the wallet, she opened it up, and stared at the name. “It says William Donald.”

He stepped back, and grabbed his cell phone. She stared at him, and then at the door. She was in pain, hurting in places she didn’t think it was possible. Could she make it out in time?

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