“As long as I am allowed an endearment for you.”

He was wary. “Which endearment?”

“I haven’t yet decided.”

“That’s worrisome.”

She shrugged.

With a dramatic sigh, he plucked the ring from her grasp. “This is a very big leap of trust, you know.”

“Yes, I know.” She caressed his arm sweetly. “I love you for taking it.”

He held the ring poised at the tip of her third finger. “Will you marry me?”

And even though they’d been talking about it for the past half-hour, negotiating everything from wedding dates to grave markers, his heart battered his ribs for the brief-but-endless moment it took her to answer.


Thank God.

He slid the ring on her finger. She twisted her hand back and forth admiring the way the gems sparkled. He propped his elbow on the arm of the divan and admired the sparkle in her eyes. “Are you happy, my dearest darling?”

“I am ecstatic, Manford Manly McManning.”

“No.” He sat up at once.“No.”

She played innocent. “But we agreed.”

“I did not agree tothat.”

“It’s the endearment of my choosing.”

“Give me that ring back.” He lunged for her hand.

She eluded his grasp. “Too late, Manford.”

Oh, now this was serious.

He caught her by the waist, and she shrieked with laughter as he hauled her into his lap. Her body fit perfectly against his. All her soft, generous curves complemented his unyielding edges. “Do you know how much I love you?”

“Which answer will get me more kisses? Yes, or no?”

“Excellent question. Try both, and we’ll find out.”

When he kissed her, he did so tenderly. This morning, he had nothing to prove in a few stolen moments, no resentment simmering beneath his desire. She was his now, and he was hers. They had all the time in the world.

She pulled away with a gasp. “Oh, dear. Oh, no.”

“What is it?” Blood powered through him in a primal response. He was ready to leap fences, or punch something, or carry her over his shoulder to safety. Whatever she required.

“The goose,” she said. “I have to take it back home.”

Justin was nonplussed.

“My parents didn’t send it. It’s our goose, for our dinner. I stole it. I needed an excuse to knock at your door and ask to speak with you, and I couldn’t think of anything else.” Her mouth tugged to the side. “This is awkward, but I must ask for it back. It should be plucked and roasting already. The cook must be beside herself.”

He tucked a finger under her chin. “I’ll have the carriage readied at once.”

She exhaled with relief. “Thank you.”

“Happy Christmas, my darling.”

“Happy Christmas, my love.”

He dropped a kiss on her forehead. “Much better.”

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