'My feelings exactly.'

'Fancy that.'

'Quite so.'

'And what did the animals do then?'

'Went away. It had brought them there, it let them go.'

'No one et anyone else?'

'Not where I saw.'

'Funny thing.'

'Right enough.'

Nanny Ogg stared at the setting sun.

'I don't reckon a lot of kingdoms do that sort of thing,' she said. 'You saw the theatre. Kings and such are killing one another the whole time. Their kingdoms just make the best of it. How come this one takes offence all of a sudden?'

'It's been here a long time,' said Granny.

'So's everywhere,' said Nanny, and added, with the air of a lifetime student, 'Everywhere's been where it is ever since it was first put there. It's called geography.'

'That's just about land,' said Granny. 'It's not the same as a kingdom. A kingdom is made up of-all sorts of things. Ideas. Loyalties. Memories, It all sort of exists together. And then all these things create some kind of life. Not a body kind of life, more like a living idea. Made up of everything that's alive and what they're thinking. And what the people before them thought.'

Magrat reappeared and began to lay the fire with the air of one in a trance.

'I can see you've been thinking about this a lot,' said Nanny, speaking very slowly and carefully. 'And this kingdom wants a better king, is that it?'

'No! That is, yes. Look—' she leaned forward – 'it doesn't have the same kind of likes and dislikes as people, right?'

Nanny Ogg leaned back. 'Well, it wouldn't, would it,' she ventured.

'It doesn't care if people are good or bad. I don't think it could even tell, any more than you could tell if an ant was a good ant. But it expects the king to care for it.'

'Yes, but,' said Nanny wretchedly. She was becoming a bit afraid of the gleam in Granny's eye. 'Lots of people have killed each other to become king of Lancre. They've done all kinds of murder.'

'Don't matter! Don't matter!' said Granny, waving her arms. She started counting on her fingers. 'For why,' she said. 'One, kings go round killing each other because it's all part of destiny and such and doesn't count as murder, and two, they killed for the kingdom. That's the important bit. But this new man just wants the power. He hates the kingdom.'

'It's a bit like a dog, really,' said Magrat. Granny looked at her with her mouth open to frame some suitable retort, and then her face softened.

'Very much like,' she said. 'A dog doesn't care if its master's good or bad, just so long as it likes the dog.'

'Well, then,' said Nanny. 'No-one and nothing likes Felmet. What are we going to do about it?'

'Nothing. You know we can't meddle.'

'You saved that baby,' said Nanny.

'That's not meddling!'

'Have it your way,' said Nanny. 'But maybe one day he'll come back. Destiny again. And you said we should hide the crown. It'll all come back, mark my words. Hurry up with that tea, Magrat.'

'What are you going to do about the burghers?' said Granny.

'I told them they'll have to sort it out themselves. Once we use magic, I said, it'd never stop. You know that.'