Well, that’s some freaky shit, I think as I step into the room and head over to the opposite side of where Gray is standing and watching me. I peer over the two and wonder why it looks like they’re mended together, but decide that my eyes must be playing tricks on me.

There’s no way in hell that would be possible, after all.


A Masterpiece


I’m watching Lakyn carefully as he continues to inspect Penn and Aiden. I can see in his eyes that he doesn’t quite believe what he’s seeing, and that honestly makes this easier on me.

"So, what did you say this was?" he asks again, taking a step back from the table and sliding his hands into his pockets.

"It's my lover, Penn ... and my best friend, Aiden," I reply softly.

I don't know how else to explain this beautiful piece of art I've created, so I decide that the truth is the best way to go.

"Hm," he says, tilting his head and glancing from Penn to Aiden and back again. He runs a hand down Penn’s arm and I reach over and slap it away. He grins at me as he mimes an ouch then reaches for Penn’s leg this time. I watch horrified, as he slides his hand up his thigh and grips him just below his cock.

I can see it in his eyes.

I know what he wants and I refuse to let him do it.

"And you're sure I can't fuck it?"

I knew it, I think angrily.

He didn’t want to meet Penn because he was curious. He just wanted another hole to shove his dick into.

I can feel my blood starting to boil. This bastard doesn't seem to be interested in anything that can't satisfy his obvious carnal desires, and I have to fight the urge to lean across the table and backhand him.

"Positive," I reply through grit teeth.

Lakyn smirks at me and I sigh. He seems to like me better when I lose my temper and I fall into his trap each and every goddamn time.

"Sorry," I grumble.

"No you're not, and that's okay because neither am I," he replies conversationally.

His tone makes me slightly skittish and the way he begins to rock back and forth on the heels of his feet only adds to my nervous disposition.

I reach for the large down blanket I use to keep Penn and Aiden warm when I take time away from being with them, then run a hand affectionately over each of their heads, before I lean down and kiss Penn gently on his lips, then Aiden on her forehead.

"Idea!" Lakyn suddenly shouts, causing me to almost jump out of my skin. I turn my gaze toward him dangerously. I don't want him to frighten my creation any more than it already is, but the smirk on his face tells me that his idea probably won't make anyone in this room happy that isn't him.

"What is it?" I ask tiredly.

"I won't fuck the whole thing—I respect that you won't allow that. However, I think it could be so much fun if you take one, I take the other, and we have a go at them together, am I right?"

He's fucking insane, I think angrily.

And when I see the look in his eyes, I also realize that he's fucking serious.

The only question now isn't if I kill him— it's when.

“Is your curiosity satisfied now, little cat?” I snap at him. I walk around the table and grab him roughly by the forearm, drag him toward the door, and shove him into the hallway.

“Not entirely,” he replies as he turns to face me. “Can I ask you something before I go?”