I slide the blade back out with a smirk on my face and decide to cut the stitching from Penn’s mouth first.

Leaning in as closely as I can, and just enough to make him uncomfortable, I grip his jaw tightly in my hand, drawing the blade across the worn thread holding those beautiful lips together. It’s more for my benefit than his—he can’t use that mouth if it’s compromised.

He coughs once, twice, then reaches his hand up to pull the rest of the stitching away.

“You’re welcome,” I tell him with a grin as I take two steps toward the other side of him. It’s the girl’s turn now and maybe she can shed some light on how to handle the meat head that’s trying to break the door down now.

She jerks her head away from me violently and almost pulls Gray’s boy back with her, but I reach for his forearm and steady him.

“Listen, bitch,” I snap at her, “I’ve had a long night. Your psycho not-boyfriend out there won’t let me out. Know why? Cause he’s apparently the jealous type; me? I don’t give a shit. Now if you’re not going to sit still and let me cut this crap from your mouth the nice way, then I’ll have to be unkind about it. And believe me; you don’t want me to see that side of me.”


?Lakyn! Open the fucking door!”

More screeches from the other side of the door.

More sounds of his body slamming dully against the steel.

I turn to glance at the fortress I managed to build against the door, making sure it’s still standing, before I turn my attention back to the little badass in front of me.

“Your call. Are we going to be nice about this or do I have to just take what I want?” I ask her evenly.

Penn reaches down and yanks the box cutter out of my hand. Easy enough to do since I wasn’t expecting it. I raise an eyebrow at him carefully as he looks down at it for a moment before he turns his attention toward meat puzzle part 2 and flicks his wrist. The thread across her mouth almost gives away completely and a small sliver of blood appears on her upper lip.

“See, now had I done it, you wouldn’t be bleeding,” I chide her as Penn retracts the blade then tosses the cutter across the room. I give him a dirty look. “Why does everyone in this goddamn place seem to make a game out of pissing me off?”

Penn clears his throat and stares at me for a moment before turning his attention toward the chick. She rests her head on his shoulder as he reaches a hand up and uses his thumb to wipe away the blood on her lip.

“How fucking sweet,” I mumble, rolling my eyes.

I turn away from them and decide it’ll be best to figure out where the hell he threw the damn cutter.

And just as I crouch down and start looking?

One final, anger filled shove against the door, and my little fortress of this and that gives way.

Just my fucking luck.


The Perfect Escape


I lunge for Lakyn as soon as the door gives way, but the slippery fucker manages to get away from me. He moves quickly toward where Penn and Aiden are sitting and drapes an arm around each of their shoulders.

A devilish grin slips across his lips as he slides the blade out of the box cutter and places it just below Penn’s throat. Aiden shifts uncomfortably, trying to shake off his grip, but he doesn’t let up.

“Can I ask you something, Gray?” he begins, his eyes on the side of Aiden’s face. “Which one do you love more?”

“Did he hurt you?” I ask them, ignoring his obvious attempt to incite me.

Penn raises his eyes toward me, but doesn’t say anything. I can see the obvious sting of betrayal in his eyes.

It’s enough to make me look away in shame.

Aiden coughs quietly and when I try to meet her gaze, I find that she’s not even looking at me.