I sigh and his smirk widens.

“Do you think it’s strange that I sometimes like to fuck pretty boys?” he asks me, the look on his face becoming slightly creepy. He’s trying to get a rise out of me and I’m going to do my damnedest not to let it happen.

I shrug indifferently and shake my head. “I don’t know. That’s not my place to say.”

He chuckles and clicks his tongue against his teeth, as he crosses his arms over his chest and sizes me up. “You’re not intimidated by me are, you?” he inquires through narrowing eyes.

“Not in the least,” I reply evenly.

“Good, that means you’re fun then,” he reasons as the smirk on his lips widens into a half-grin. “And I like having fun.”

A long-suffering sigh escapes me when it dawns on me that it’s not going to be as easy to get rid of him as I hoped. I give him a once over and wonder what in the hell someone that looks like him could possibly want with me—besides the obvious, which he’s already bluntly stated.

“I’m sure there are way more entertaining people to choose from back inside,” I finally say, nodding toward the entrance of the bar.

“Not interested in what’s in there,” he says, his eyes focusing on me dangerously. “I’d much rather see what you’ve got to offer.”

“Listen,” I bark, finally losing my temper and pointing a finger at him, “I didn’t come out tonight to take anyone home. I want to be left alone, and if you can’t figure that out by now, then it’s not my problem. Leave me the hell alone.”

I turn on my heel instantly, hands shoved deep into my pockets, cigarette hanging from my lips, and keep my head low as I start to make my way down the street. I’m not going home yet—I can’t, but it doesn’t mean that I have to stand around and trade “pleasantries” with … whatever his name happened to be.

This can’t be happening to me, I think miserably as I hear the sound of footsteps closing in behind me.

“So, listen,” he says conversationally as he falls into step beside me, “I get that I can be kind of overbearing, and sometimes I say shit that I probably shouldn’t, but you can’t have fun unless you’re willing to be bold—know what I mean?”

Instead of answering him, I quicken my pace but somehow, the bastard is managing to keep up with me. I wish Aiden was here; she would have knocked that grin off his face the moment she saw how much he’s annoying me.

“That being said,” he continues as we cross the street in unison, “I’m not from around here obviously, so it’s not like we’ll ever see each other again. Besides, I’ve got a boy at home and he’d probably be pissed if he found out anyway,” he finishes with a laugh.

A boy? I’m sure you do, you weird fuck.

“Do you have someone? Is that why you’re being so stagnant?” he asks curiously. I clear my throat and stop walking. He takes a few steps ahead of me before he realizes that I’m not next to him anymore, then laughs good-naturedly. “Sneaky,” he chides with a smile.

“Yes and no,” I reply quietly.

“It’s one of those complicated relationships, huh. It’s cool man, I totally get it. I could tell you a story about complications that would probably make your head spin,” he remarks with an eye roll.

“It’s not complicated,” I say softly. “They both love me. Or at least they used to.” I sigh heavily and run a hand over my face. I’ve sighed so much at this point that I’m starting to wonder if I sound like a deflating balloon. “Can you just leave me alone, please? I’m not in the mood to pretend l

ike everything is great.”

The handsome man with the devilish features arches an eyebrow incredulously. “If this is your version of pretending things are great, I’d hate to see when they’re bad.”

I smile.

Despite the overwhelming need and want to be alone right now, I smile.

“Lakyn Meyer,” he says triumphantly as he holds out his hand.

I shake my head and chuckle as I take it in mine and initiate a firm shake.

“Gray Talbot.”


Stranger Danger
