Page 34 of Duke Most Wicked

Never look at Westbury’s tight buckskin breeches and the way they molded over his groin and thighs ever again.

“To the bollocks,” he finished her sentence. He chuckled and released her hands. “I’m impressed. That’s actually a very good plan. I’m glad to hearthat you’re aware of the only foolproof method to incapacitate a man.”

“I’m no damsel in distress.” She straightened her spine. “Why are you here, Your Grace? Did you really think to commission a wedding march from my father?”

“I came to give you this.” He reached inside his coat and extracted a leather wallet, handing it to her. She glanced inside and her eyes widened. “That’s quite a lot of banknotes, Your Grace. At least thrice what you owe me in back wages.”

“Those are future wages, as well. I require you to return to your post. And having you nearby will be even more convenient. You and your father will occupy the adjacent dower house built for my late grandmother. My great-aunt Hermione lives in one wing when she’s in London, but the remainder is vacant.”

If she wasn’t allowed to look at his breeches, she certainly wasn’t allowed to live next door to him. “While I appreciate your offer I can find my own lodgings.”

“Think of it as reparations for overdue wages. You may live there until you find another place of your own. And there are several handsome pianofortes for your father’s use. My grandmother was a pianist.”

“It’s very good of you but my father can be rather difficult. He’s going deaf which is the very worst thing that can happen to a musician. It’s so frustrating for him that he sometimes flies into a rage.” Not to mention that he might saw the legs off the duke’s pianofortes.

“Do the doctors know why he’s going deaf?”

“No one’s been able to make a definitive diagnosis.”

“Well we won’t mind if he’s loud. The dower house is quite separate and bordered on all sides by gardens. I won’t take no for an answer. I require you to return and keep the peace between the servants and inspire my sisters to behave like ladies again. My fiancée and her mother visited today. Blanche never made an appearance, claiming a headache; Bernadette told Miss Chandler that her dress was the color of a dung beetle, and then produced said beetle from her pocket; and Betsy smashed a cricket ball through the library window, narrowly missing poor Miss Chandler’s head.”

Viola couldn’t help but laugh. “Oh dear, that sounds dreadful.”

“It was an unmitigated disaster. And I’m fairly certain the girls did everything on purpose to force me to rehire you. That’s why I’m here.”

“I’m expedient for your purposes. I make your life easier.”

“Well... yes.”

“You could’ve just sent a man round with my salary offer,” she said stiffly.

“My sisters urged me to come in person and I’m glad I arrived when I did. You’d be safer staying close to me for a time. Until your father finishes his symphony and you are free from obligation to Sprague.”

“And for your expedience.”

“That’s right. And the well-being of my sisters. Isn’t the salary enough?”

“It’s more than enough.”

“I expect a proper return on my investment.”

“I haven’t accepted your offer yet.”

“You will.”

“You’re overconfident.”

“I don’t think so. You have nowhere to live at the moment. This is a large salary, temporary accommodations with world-class pianofortes, and you like my sisters.”

“I do like your sisters.” She smiled. “They’re remarkable young women.”

“More importantly, they like you, they trust you, and they want to please you.”

She should refuse but it was so much money and the salary came with a place to live away from Sprague. And she wanted to keep teaching the ladies. But living next door to Westbury. Seeing him nearly every day. She’d resolved to forget him. Force her heart to stop beating to his tune.

She could control her heart.

“Very well, Your Grace, I’ll consult with my father, and we’ll consider your offer.”