Page 37 of Duke Most Wicked

“I’m sure it would only be a small remuneration. My father’s earnings have never been huge. He’s had to rely on patronage to finance his art.”

“And how is your father these days?” Isobel asked.

“At the moment he’s hiding from the bustle and activity in our house. As am I.”

“What’s happening at your house?”

“We’re moving.” She hadn’t wanted to tell her friends about her new living arrangements. Not just yet. They were bound to be very opiniated on the subject. “I should be going to the library.”

“Why are you moving?” Isobel asked.

“Because I wasn’t able to pay our rent and we were expelled from our home by our landlord.”

“Without giving you any notice?” Isobel asked.

“It’s already done. He sold the house to Lord Sprague.”

“Lord Sprague?” Della frowned. “Isn’t he that horrid baron who wants you for his mistress? Ugh. I’m sure this was all Sprague’s doing.”

“I fear the same. He arrived moments after the landlord informed me that he’d sold the building.” She pushed away the sickening memory of Lord Sprague gripping her shoulders. “He said some disgusting things and tried to kiss me, but I was prepared to defend myself with a knitting needle.”

“Well!” Della gulped her tea. “That must have been terrifying.”

“It was. Until Westbury arrived and terrified Lord Sprague in turn.”

“Wait,” Isobel said. “The Duke of Westbury was at your house?”

“He rescued her.” Della grinned. “It sounds very romantic.”

“It wasn’t romantic. He was only there because his sisters staged a mutiny and made him promise to rehire me. It was all for his convenience.”

“I heard that he’s to marry Miss Vanessa Chandler,” Della said gently, with a worried glance at Viola. “I read the announcement in the paper. She sounds like a handful.”

“It’s only what Westbury deserves,” said Isobel. “He’s a debased, debauched—”

“Jug-bitten blunderbuss,” Viola finished.

“Precisely.” Isobel nodded approvingly.

“I told him so just yesterday.”

“Good for you. You’ve finally come to your senses.”

“I insulted him but then he offered me so much money that I accepted his offer of employment. Papa and I are going to live in the dower house adjacent to Westbury House.”

Both ladies set down their teacups abruptly.

“Live next door to that arrogant rogue? Are you mad?” Isobel asked.

“You can’t do that. Why didn’t you tell us that you were so late with your rent?” Della’s brow furrowed.

“You’ve all been so generous already. I didn’t want to ask for more charity.”

“My widowed aunt has a vacant cottage on her property near Watford,” said Isobel. “You’d be welcome to use it anytime. She’s a music enthusiast. I’m certain she’d be delighted to rent the cottage to you and your father for a pittance. I just now thought of it—why it hasn’t occurred to me before I’ve no idea. It would be the ideal situation.”

“If I’m to continue my employment as music teacher to the duke’s sisters I must live in town.”

“I just don’t understand why you must live next door to him,” Della said, the frown returning to her face.