Page 61 of Duke Most Wicked

He groaned. “You sound like Great-Aunt Hermione. Next you’ll be telling me to propose to Lady Winifred Woolfrey.”

“If you truly object to that lady, I’ll ask your sisters to make up a list of other candidates.”

“You’d do that for me?”

“For your sisters.”

“Right. Of course. For my sisters. What were their reactions, pray tell?”

“Blanche and Belinda were devastated, of course. Their suitors melted away like winter frost in spring. All except for Lord Flanders.”

“Good old Flanders. He hasn’t a large fortune but I don’t think he’d mind if Blanche were poor as a church mouse. I think he genuinely cares for her.”

“I think so, too. It’s such a pity that she doesn’t return his affection.”

“And the other girls?”

“Bernadette said that she might consider taking up strong drink. And Betsy wished she’d hit Miss Chandler with her cricket ball when she had a chance.”

Westbury snorted. “They’re such dear, clever things. I hope society won’t vent any of its displeasure on them. This is all on my shoulders. I should have researched the Chandler family more carefully before entering into a business arrangement with them.”

“It’s not your fault that Miss Chandler had a secret prior attachment.”

“Actually, she told me during our afternoon tea that she’d had her heart broken. It made me feel sympathetic toward her. I don’t think she had any idea that Mr. Murphy still meant to seek her hand in marriage. Theirs was not a sanctioned match because of the difference in their social positions.” He shrugged. “I’m happy for her, in a way.”

“That’s magnanimous of you.”

“It’s a victory for true love, with a capitalL. Aren’t you thrilled, Miss Beaton?”

She remembered her first reaction. The bells chiming in her mind. “I’m sorry that it came at your expense. And that of your sisters. I’m no stranger to disappointed dreams, Your Grace. I know how much they sting.”

“Have you been disappointed in love?” he asked, his gaze intent on her face in the low light of the carriage lamps.

“Not in love... in life.”

She’d never meant to be sidelined, to feel like a supporting character instead of the star of her own life. It had just happened.

“You want more than being your father’s caretaker, and music instructor to a duke’s sisters.”

“As I’ve said before, there was a time when I wanted a family of my own, yes.” She spoke carefully, unwilling to betray the very real pain and longing behind her simple words. “But I resolved never to marry without love. And my chance for that is past now,” she said brightly. “I’m quite content with my life. I’m happy to be of assistance.”

“With your talent you could be playing the pianoforte onstage. Why not perform at the musicale I’m hosting? It may inspire a clamoring throng of suitors to beg for your hand.”

“I told you that I don’t perform in public.”

“Why not?”

“I wouldn’t want to outshine your sisters. It’s their moment, not mine. Look, we’re already home. Why don’t I have a chat with Blanche and Belinda, while you speak with Bernadette and Betsy.”

“That sounds sensible. You’ll know what to say to Blanche better than I would. When you’re finished come and give me a report. And bring me that list of duchess candidates.”

“Very well.”

“We’ll come through this together.”

“I’m sure you will.”

“We, Viola. You and me, and the girls. We’ll weather this storm together.”