Page 79 of Duke Most Wicked

They both fluttered their eyelashes at him, clearly implying that one of them could restore his spirits if only he’d make her the next Duchess of Westbury.

“A nice cozy cup of chamomile tea,” West replied with a straight face. “It’s wonderfully restorative, wouldn’t you say?”

“Oh we would, wouldn’t we, Eunice?”

“Most definitively, Eugenie. We always drink chamomile tea of an evening.”

“I also like to read novels,” West said, leaning in conspiratorially.

“Do you?” the twins breathed in unison. “Who is your favorite author?”

“Authoress, you should say. I’m partial to theworks of Miss Daphne Villeneuve. Have you read any of her romances?”

The twins regarded him with astonishment.

“She’s our favorite,” said Eugenie.

“I’ve never heard of a gentleman liking her novels,” Eunice said.

“Ah, but you see I am a duke reformed, ladies. I drink chamomile tea and I read Gothic romances.”

How he could keep a straight face while spewing such tripe was a great mystery.

“My. That’s... well, it’s unprecedented, Your Grace.”

“Thank you.” He made a little bow. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, ladies. My sisters require my attention.” He turned away from them and caught Viola’s eye.

She ducked behind a silk bale.

He knew she’d been listening, of course. Why else would he confess to doing the very things she’d told him that she liked to do?

“Spying on me, Miss Beaton?” he asked, appearing around the side of the stack of silks.

“That’s laying it on a bit thick, don’t you think, Your Grace?”

He chuckled. “Now the whole of society will know I’ve switched from gin to chamomile and from keeping mistresses to reading romances.”

“You should stop.”

“Stop what?”

“Stop playacting. No one will believe you’ve reformed if you say unbelievable things like that.”

“On the contrary, it’s those vivid details that will lend my reformation an air of authenticity.”

“It’s all a game you’re playing, though, isn’t it? You’re still Wicked Westbury underneath.”

He moved closer. “Very much so. Don’t go thinking you’ve tamed me. I’m playing your reform game, just as you asked me to. You could probably convince me to take a long walk off a short pier if you showed me those dimples while you did it.”

The heat of his gaze pressed her back against the silk. He reached out his hand and she held her breath, thinking he was going to touch her, but he touched the scarlet silk velvet instead.

“This fabric would suit you, Viola. You should have a gown made from it.”

“I’m a spinster. I don’t wear scarlet gowns.”

“You’re no more a spinster than I’m truly reformed. I picture you wearing red. Tight around here.” His gaze dropped to her bosom. “With a low neckline.”

“You picture me?”