Page 84 of Duke Most Wicked

“Your Grace. I enjoyed the musicale immensely.” He could never tell what Lady Winifred was thinking. Her utterances were all made in the same even, placid tone of voice.

“Wasn’t Miss Beaton astonishing?” he asked.

The countess gave him a sharp look. “She played well, but my Winifred is also an accomplished pianist. And, I daresay, more measured and modest in her method of playing. We are hosting a small dinner party next week and I do hope we’ll have the pleasure of your company?”

“I wouldn’t miss it.” He searched the room for Viola. He found her standing next to the punch bowl in conversation with an elderly gentleman who was standing a little too close to her, in West’s opinion.

“If you’ll excuse me, Lady Chittenden, Lady Winifred.”

“Will you be promenading in Hyde Park tomorrow, Your Grace?” asked Lady Chittenden.

“Of course, of course. I wouldn’t miss it. I do hope I will see you there, Lady Winifred.” He bowed over her hand.

She smiled serenely and nodded.

West made good his exit and turned his steps toward Viola. He was nearly to her when he was waylaid by Lady Elizabeth Gorham, a blazingly beautiful woman with dark hair and appealing freckles sprinkled over her nose.

“Your Grace, you must say you’ll attend the ball at my house next week,” said Lady Elizabeth. “You can meet my five greyhounds.”

“I shall endeavor to be there.”

Lady Elizabeth began telling him the names of her greyhounds, their favorite foods, and other details that he didn’t catch because he was straining to hear what Viola and the older gentleman were talking about.

The man gesticulated vehemently. Viola shook her head in the negative. She seemed to be in some distress.

Lady Elizabeth chattered on about greyhounds, balls, and who knew what else. West edged closer to try to hear what the man was saying to Viola.

He couldn’t hear the words but he saw Viola’s reaction. She shrank into herself, becoming smaller, a look of discomfort on her pretty face.

At the first opportunity, West interrupted Lady Elizabeth’s monologue. “I, er, would you pardon me, Lady Elizabeth?”

“Will I see you in Hyde Park tomorrow?” she asked with a flirtatious look.

“I’ll be there,” he promised. He’d promise anything if it meant he could make his escape. He had to go to Viola and make sure she wasn’t in any kind of trouble.


“Good evening, Lady Elizabeth.”

“Good evening, Your Grace.”

He bowed perfunctorily and set off for Viola and the unknown gentleman. He neared them just in time to hear Viola exclaim, “You’re mistaken, sir. I don’t know the first thing about it. Pardon me, I must tend to my music pupils.” And she rushed away.

West followed but she escaped out the door and he was cornered by three of his sisters.

“Wasn’t it a success?” Blanche asked.

“You were wonderful, Blanche. I confess I didn’t think you had it in you.”

“Wasn’t she stunning?” Lord Flanders asked,trailing after Blanche with a besotted look on his face.

“But where’s Miss Beaton?” Birdie asked.

“I saw her run from the room,” West said.

“Oh dear. What’s wrong, do you know? Perhaps you shouldn’t have invited her to perform.”

“I was only trying to bring her out of her shell.”