Page 114 of Meant to Be


Four Years Ago

Iblink, reality sinking in.

My mind keeps replaying Harley’s hands on me last night, his body on top of mine, kissing me all over, breathing in my ear. I had wanted it for so long and it had been everything I imagined and more.

I’m in love with Harley Caldwell. It’s finally time to admit that and do something about it.

I’ve showered, dressed, and just plopped down onto the lounge with a hot chocolate in my hand, when I check my phone. My stomach drops when I see the number of notifications blowing up my screen.

Pulling up the Facebook app, I click on the latest comments, growing more nauseous with each moment.

Harley and Josie!?!?!

Oh my God … isn’t she dating Nick?

That’s nasty … not even their bed

Dating two guys at once … slut much?

Girl, get some class

Dude … not cool, could have at least blurred faces

Here for the comments

Lmao, can’t wait for her parents to see this

I blink slowly down at the screen. I stare at my hands, count my fingers, and pinch myself. This has to be a nightmare. When everything stays as it is, my eyes swivel back to the phone. The room spins.

Rushing to the bathroom, I throw up. I’m shaky as I sit back, leaning on the wall for support. I pull up the video.

The room lighting isn’t great, but you can clearly see who is in the video. I’m against the door and Harley collects me in his arms. We stumble onto the bed.

I throw up again.

No, no, no. This can’t be happening.

I can’t peel my eyes away. I watch in stunned horror, the moments I’ve been relishing, being aired all over social media.

Every kiss, every touch, broadcasted for all my classmates—and whoever else—to see.

The video plays twice before I force myself to exit it. I scroll to the top, to see what account it was posted from.

Harley Caldwell:Posted Twelve Hours Ago

They call me Mr. Steal Your Girl for a reason, right @Nicholas Schneider? Shit was fun while it lasted. Hey @Josephine Mayor let’s do it again sometime.

Twelve hours ago.

This video was postedtwelve fucking hoursago. And not only that,myaccountandNick’s were tagged in it. As fast as my fingers can move, I report the video. I don’t know how it hasn’t been taken down yet. Harley’s body blocks the camera from seeing most of my private parts, which is probably why. It’s still child pornography though, even if most of the bits are covered.

This isn’t real. This isn’t real. This isn’t real.

I’m sick all over again.

Lauren Jackson's Novels